Gang Beasts is a multiplayer party game where players control gelatinous characters and take part in slaptstick fight sequences. It's a party game meant
Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: A Bard's Tale IV, A Way Out, Biomutant, bloodstained: ritual of the night, Darksiders III, Kingdom Come: Deliverancqe, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire, sea of thieves, Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
Top 10 Indie Games to Watch in 2018
2018 will be bringing a ton of new games for us to look out for, including a ton of big budget projects we've been waiting some years for (I'm looking at you Kingdom Hearts 3), but it will also be bringing us some sweet, sweet indie projects. This is our list of indie games to keep an eye on.
- A Way Out is Josef Fares's second game and it's a split screen co-op multiplayer action-adventure that focuses on two convicts who must break out of a prison together and avoid the authorities. It is also a game that Fares rambled incoherently about during The Game Awards this year. And yes, A Way Out does indeed count as an indie game.
- A Bard's Tale IV will be the end of the series, but that doesn't mean it isn't going to be freaking awesome. If you love RPGs and you haven't played the previous Bard's Tale games, go do so now before the fourth releases. You will not regret it.
- Biomutant may be something of a mystery since its reveal at PAX, mostly because it seems to be everything from a martial arts action/adventure game to a first person shooter with RPG-like character augmentation mechanics. No matter how the finished project turns out, this is one to watch.
- Castlevania series producer Koji Igurashi's new game, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is a metroidvania game with some serious names attached and a whole lot of gothic charm. If you loved the original Castlevania games, this is something you're gonna want to pick up at launch.
- Darksiders III may not be what you think of when you think of indie games, but given the chaos surrounding it's launch, we're counting it. This time we get to join Horseman Fury as she takes on the Seven Deadly Sins, and it looks to be a boatload of fun.
- Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a slower, more painstakingly realistic take on an action RPG than the likes of The Witcher III or even Skyrim. It recreates 15th century medieval life with care, detail, and beautifully recreated art, and all the brutality necessary with the genre.
- Ori and the Blind Forest was a gorgeous game, and its sequel looks to be even better all things considered. Keep an eye or two out for Ori and the Will of the Wisps.
- Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire was one of the first projects crowd-funded through the game investment engine and will have all the intricacy of a fantasy encyclopedia set with realistic socioeconomic mores. You can read up on the latest developments in the game here.
- Sea of Thieves is Rare's little pirate simulation game that could. It's done well in the rounds of Technical Alpha on Xbox One and will be an absolute glory on the console. In fact, the worst thing I can say about Sea of Thieves is that it requires you to own and tolerate the Xbox UI.
- Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes II is Suda51's sequel to No More Heroes which returns exclusively on Nintendo Switch. The game will of course star Travis Touchdown, the anime loving star of the previous games, and takes place seven years after the original.

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