Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: battlefield, Battlefield V, EA, ea dice
Battlefield V's Use of a Female Character Started a WWII Re-Education
EA announced the next entry in the Battlefield series earlier this week, but it didn't take long before the backlash hit. It wasn't even anything to do with the game itself, but rather with the game's cover art, which you can see above. Battlefield V is set during World War II, which has prompted a number of people to question the "historical accuracy" of putting a woman on the cover. Because its not like Battlefield V is a video game and therefore capable of wielding a creative license or anything.
For example, we'll use the tweet below to encapsulate the basic response from the aggrieved side of gaming Twitter.
Others were confused that the woman is disabled and uses a prosthetic arm. Because you know, working prosthetics didn't exist until the 1980s, therefore she has to be a cyborg.
Much of the outrage was quickly pulled down from Twitter and other message boards like GameFAQs.
Honestly though, the whole thing just reminds me of the controversy surrounding Star Wars: Battlefront II's decision to have the campaign protagonist be female Imperial commander Iden Versio. Nothing gets the lowest common denominator of games fans more upset than putting women on the cover of something, it would seem.
That said, the complaints have prompted some really amazing responses, including several threads dedicated to informing gamers of the role real women played during the Second World War.
Though, the best response absolutely has to be this educational thread by Jair McBain:
And of course, honorable mention goes to PCPowerPlay for their article on five women who served during WWII.
The basic fact is: women have been part of history for a long time. Sometimes that place goes unnoticed, as women couldn't always be visibly part of major conflicts. However, to assume that half the population never saw war until the late 20th century is shortsighted and foolish. Let's take this moment to go ahead and re-evaluate what we think we know about human history.