Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: lake trio, Niantic, Niantic Labs, pokemon, pokemon go
Complete Lake Legends Raid Rotation In Pokémon GO
The Lake Legends event is now live in Pokémon GO and it has brought along with it a new raid rotation. Here is the complete rotation along with the Shiny rate of each species. Let's go!
The complete raid rotation for the Lake Legends event in Pokémon GO includes:
Tier One:
- Bronzor – shiny available, boosted rate
- Chimchar – shiny available, standard rate
- Klink – shiny available, boosted rate
- Piplup – shiny available, standard rate
- Shinx – shiny available, boosted rate
- Turtwig – shiny available, standard rate
If raids are feeling stale to you, trust us… it's not just you. These events have been cycling through the same set of raid staples like Shinx and Klink with a few full odds Shinies thrown in there. Now, it's great that players who don't have Shiny Shinx and Klink will have that shot. These should pretty much always be available. However, these lower tiers have a severe lack of spice for this specific event. Even Bronzor, a boosted Shiny that isn't commonly in raids, is a common enough find in the wild and in the "Win 1 raid" task during this event that raiding it would be a wasted pass.
Tier Three:
- Absol – shiny available, boosted rate
- Alolan Raichu – shiny available, boosted rate
- Floatzel
- Lumineon
- Whiscash
- Wobbuffet – shiny available, standard rate
Absol and Alolan Raichu are good options but, outside of them, this is another weak tier. Lumineon is great for those who haven't gotten the chance to catch enough Finneon to evolve but, outside of that, there's nothing offered here that makes this event's rotation worth doing.
Tier Five
- Azelf
- Mesprit
- Uxie
Pokémon GO has finally put out the Lake Trio in a post-Remote Raid Invite landscape. Now, with invites from around the world, we can get Pokémon we, before this, had no shot of catching outside of travel. The Lake Trio is the crown jewel of the current raid rotation, making up for the dry first and third tiers.
Mega Raids:
- Mega Blastiose – Shiny available, standard Mega rate of approximately one in sixty
- Mega Charizard X – Shiny available, standard Mega rate of approximately one in sixty
- Mega Charizard Y – Shiny available, standard Mega rate of approximately one in sixty
- Mega Gengar – Shiny available, standard Mega rate of approximately one in sixty
- Mega Houndoom – Shiny available, standard Mega rate of approximately one in sixty
- Mega Pidgeot -Shiny available, standard Mega rate of approximately one in sixty
If you haven't gotten enough Mega Energy for these species, now is the time to do it. Niantic suggested that as Seasons are introduced into Pokémon GO on December 1st, each season will spotlight different Mega Pokémon. While it hasn't been specifically said, I think it's better to be safe than sorry and assume that this entire slate will be wiped clean.
Evidence? Mega Energy is, as of last night, now showing when you click on Abomasnow. Changes are coming!