Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: elite raids, Hoopa, Niantic, pokemon, pokemon go
Do Legendary Pokémon Spawn After Elite Raids In Pokémon GO?
Niantic recently introduced a new kind of raid to Pokémon GO. This new addition to the raid rotation is called Elite Raids, and they include features that impact the game outside of the actual raiding. Let's get into the details of what exactly Elite Raids are and what happens to the game near the gym after the Elite Raid is defeated.
Elite Raids are in-person-only raids. That means that you cannot remote to these raids or invite your friends to battle with you. They are closely comparable to Tier Five raids but are actually a bit more difficult, using different stats that impact how many Trainers are needed to win. These raids also have a much longer timer, allowing Trainers to gather as the Raid Egg prepares to hatch. Currently, only Hoopa Unbound has been featured in Elite Raids though Niantic does promise that we will get another different Elite Raid boss before the Season of Light concludes.
So now, the big question: Is it true? Do Legendary Pokémon spawn on the map after Elite Raids?
It's true.
Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres are confirmed spawns along with other rare spawns. This continues Niantic's rolling out of more ways to encounter Legendaries than the simple raid drop. We can find the Galarian Birds using the Daily Incense and can now find their Kanto equivalents by completing Elite Raids.
It will be interesting to see what species arrives next in Elite Raids during the Season of Light. We do see Guzzlord on the current Halloween-themed background and yet we did not get a Guzzlord announcement drop. While Guzzlord could be the next Elite Raid boss, I wonder why not just drop it in Tier Five Ultra Wormholes. This makes me think that we will see something that was more limited in a way that is similar to how Hoopa was limited.
My guess? Zarude.