Posted in: Bethesda Softworks, DOOM, DOOM Eternal, Games, Video Games | Tagged: Bethesda Softworks, doom, doom eternal, Microtransactions
"DOOM Eternal" Will Have Absolutely No Microtransactions
Some good news for DOOM Eternal fans who may have been worried about microtransactions in the game. We got confirmation that there are none! Someone has a chat with the game's Creative Director, Hugo Martin, on Facebook about the unlockable content in the game and whether players would have to pay for anything. He responded, and because Facebook doesn't exactly play nice with shareable links, someone screen-capped the conversation for people to see.
"No store. Nothing [you] can unlock in Eternal with XP has anything to do with player abilities or content that would impacr your game in anyway. The only thing you can unlock with XP is COSMETICS. These cosmetics have no impact on how [you] play, they just look cool. Eternal is a $60 game, not a free-to-play game or a mobile game – we are giving you a complete experience with no store just like you'd expect. Unlocking skins with XP is a part of the experience if you care about that stuff, or you can completely ignore it and it will have no impact on your experience AT ALL and it's all free."
So basically, if you want cool looking armor or badass looking weapons, you have to earn them. And after you earn them, they don't do anything beyond look amazing and demonic. DOOM Eternal will drop on March 20th for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.