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Dragon Ball Super CG Reveals Final Realm Of The Gods Secret Rare
Bandai has revealed the final Secret Rare of the next official The Dragon Ball Super Card Game expansion. They previously used holidays to reveal the sets SCRs, but this final SCR reveal comes with an apology: the set, releasing in March 2022 as the sixteenth main set and the seventh expansion under the Unison Warrior Series banner, will be delayed by one week. We'll get into that later, as I feel this SCR reveal deserves its own dedicated piece. The upcoming set, titled Realm of the Gods (with its full name being Unison Warrior Series BOOST – Realm of the Gods) focuses on the deities of Akira Toriyama's universe. The previous SCRs focused on Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta and Super Mira. This has left many fans who were expecting an Ultra Instinct Goku SCR due to the set's focus to be vocally disappointed about Bandai's focus on SCRs dedicated to Xenoverse characters rather than characters in the canon of the anime and manga.
First, it must be said. It's a nice-looking card that uses gold foil to terrific effect. I can see this being a stunner in person and due to the success and high market value of the last time that the Supreme Kai of Time was on an SCR in last year's Vicious Rejuvenation, I'm betting it will at least initially hold a high value. However, comments on the DBSCG announcement over on Facebook are understandably confused as to why Bandai has seemingly gone back to focusing on Xenoverse and Super Dragon Ball Heros content for their major hits when last year seemed to point to them changing this habit.
Top Fan Brandon Bevilacqua writes on the Dragon Ball Super Card Game page:
Stop with the stupid xeno characters as scrs. Why does she have 2 and a stupid secretary have one but zen-oh, beerus, whis, any of the main cast other than goku and vegeta, or gohan, not get a scr. Cards great but the character and art on it are a huge disappointment to whats been otherwise a awesome set
Other Top Fans on the page seem to agree with Mike Shalhoub adding:
Please for the love of dragon ball, why is there 2 SCR Xeno characters!? …. Such a buzz kill for the set. 1 SCR is fine, not 2.. It makes sense that 1 SCR is a female with breasts, because it draws on the hentai camp… but a 2nd Xeno SCR (Super Mira) is a waste… that are into this art/card could have been revised and made an SR … Clearly you've seen that iconic moments from the anime build hype for sets (ie Goku/Frieza MC)… dragon ball fans want to see their favorite characters from the show gold plated out with shiny glory… if there's still opportunity to swap one of the Xeno SCRs, I hope you choose to do so.
I must agree here. While I like the card quite a bit better than Super Mira's SCR, two Xenoverse characters on SCRs in a Dragon Ball Super Card Game set is essentially a set killer for collectors. We can only hope that the set's God Rare will dedicate an Alternate Art to Vegeta rather than this or Super Mira.
Stay tuned for more previews of Dragon Ball Super Card Game: Unison Warrior Series BOOST – Realm of the Gods. You can follow this series by clicking the Realm of the Gods tag right here.