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Dragon Ball Super Previews Realm Of The Gods: Enemies Unite
Bandai has started to show off cards from the next official The Dragon Ball Super Card Game expansion. The March 2022 set is the sixteenth main set and the seventh expansion under the Unison Warrior Series banner. The set, titled Realm of the Gods (with its full name being Unison Warrior Series BOOST – Realm of the Gods) focuses on the deities of Akira Toriyama's universe. Confirmed focuses of the set include the Tournament of Power, the Champa Saga, the Future Trunks Saga, and Xenoverse material including Trunks Xeno and Mechikabura. As Dragon Ball Super Card Game debuts artwork from this upcoming set, Bleeding Cool will offer a look into the upcoming cards from a collector's perspective.
One of the most surprising elements of Dragon Ball Super was how Frieza came back not just as a villain but truly as a supporting character. While he is certainly not in the running for redemption the way that previous Big Bads like Piccolo and Vegeta were, Frieza has enough screentime during the anime (especially during the Tournament of Power) that we get to see a lot of what makes him tick. Some of the most intense and rewarding moments of Super were when Frieza teamed up with the heroes, like you see him doing here with Goku and Android 17. It added a new layer to the villain that we spent so (so, so, so, so, so) much time with on Namek who, at the time, was the ultimate threat. Seeing him rise here to become Goku's ultimate ally in saving their Universe was an incredible surprise that was pulled off with nuance and grace.
Stay tuned for more previews of Dragon Ball Super Card Game: Unison Warrior Series BOOST – Realm of the Gods. You can follow this series by clicking the Realm of the Gods tag right here.