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Dragon Ball Super Previews Saiyan Showdown: Turles & Tree of Might

The Dragon Ball Super Card Game has begun to preview the cards from the next official expansion. The November 2021 set will be the fifteenth main set and the sixth expansion under the Unison Warrior Series banner. The set will be called Saiyan Showdown (with its full name being Unison Warrior Series BOOST – Saiyan Showdown) and will document some of the anime and manga's best Saiyan vs. Saiyan battles. Focuses of the set include Goku vs. Vegeta from the Saiyan Saga, Gohan vs. Turles from the Dragon Ball Z film Tree of Might, Goku and his sons vs. Broly from the film Broly: Second Coming, and, finally, the Universe 6 Saiyans. As the Dragon Ball Super Card Game shows off the cards from this upcoming expansion, Bleeding Cool will offer a look into the cards from a collector's perspective.

Saiyan Showdown cards. Credit: Dragon Ball Super Card Game
Saiyan Showdown cards. Credit: Dragon Ball Super Card Game

With this upcoming Dragon Ball Super Card Game set focusing partly on the Dragon Ball Z film Tree of Might, let's take a look back at an odd bit of DBZ history. As I mentioned in the last installment, there are major aspects of this film and, indeed, most DBZ films, that prevent it from fitting in the series' canon. Despite that, there was a version of the anime dub that cut this movie into episodes, incorporating it into the series seemingly at random. The pre-Funimation dub by Saban opted for whatever reason to cut Tree of Might into three episodes. And where did they place it? Did they put it directly after the Saiyan Saga and invent a reason why Goku was active and characters who should be dead were alive? Nope. Without explanation, they popped it right in the middle of the Namek Saga. One episode, Goku, Krillin, and Bulma were having their early adventures as the threat of Frieza loomed… and then, next thing you know, boom, they're back on Earth and Turles is on the attack. Then, three episodes later, and they're back on Namek. The Funimation dub may have its flaws, but at least it never tried pulling anything like that.

Stay tuned for more previews of Dragon Ball Super Card Game: Unison Warrior Series BOOST – Saiyan Showdown. When the set releases in November 2021, Bleeding Cool readers can expect openings and product reviews as well.

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Theo DwyerAbout Theo Dwyer

Theo Dwyer writes about comics, film, and games.
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