Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: deino, Go Battle League, Niantic, pokemon, pokemon go
Guaranteed Deino & Meinfoo Encounters In Pokémon GO Battle League
Niantic has updated the Pokémon that will be available to encounter in Pokémon GO's GO Battle League Season Nine. Set to begin today, this new season will make some of the game's rarest and most desirable Pokémon available as encounters in certain ranks.
Here's what Niantic had to say over on the official Pokémon GO blog:
Since this season of the GO Battle League coincides with the Season of Mischief—featuring the Mythical Pokémon Hoopa—you'll be able to encounter various Psychic-, Ghost-, and Dark-type Pokémon as encounter rewards throughout the season. Additionally, in celebration of Pokémon first found in the Galar region arriving in Pokémon GO, you'll be able to encounter Pokémon and earn avatar items inspired by the Champion of the Galar region, Leon!
You can encounter the following Pokémon once per season at the designated ranks. At rank 1, you'll be guaranteed to encounter one of the Pokémon that Galar Champion Leon is known to use!
Guaranteed rank-up encounters include:
- Rank 1: Charizard
- Rank 6: Mienfoo
- Veteran Rank: Noibat
- Expert Rank: Deino
- Legend Rank: Pikachu Libre
Niantic also confirms via the above graphic that Pikachu Libre is Shiny-capable, which we previously reported on when Pokémon GO trainers began posting screenshots of the hyper-rare Shiny Pokémon earlier.
Standard encounters at each rank include:
- Rank 1: Charmeleon, Nidorina, Hypno, Sableye, Gothita, Solosis
- Rank 6+: Mienfoo
- Rank 11+: Rhydon, Drifblim, Seismitoad, Frillish, Litwick
- Rank 16+: Snorlax, Scraggy, Rufflet
- Rank 20+: The current Pokémon featured in Tier Five raids
- Veteran Rank+: Noibat
- Expert Rank+: Deino
There will also be new Pokémon GO avatar items given at certain ranks. The list includes:
- At Ace rank, you'll receive the Reigning Champion Sport Glove.
- At Veteran rank, you'll receive the Leon's Look Sport Cap.
- At Expert rank, you'll receive the Reigning Champion Sport Shorts.
- At Legend rank, you'll receive the Reigning Champion Sport Top.
- Midway through season 9, Leon's iconic pose will be added as a reward for Trainers who reach Legend rank.