Posted in: Dungeons & Dragons, Games, Tabletop, Twitch, YouTube | Tagged: Cynthia Marie, d&d, DnD, dungeons & dragons, Jason Charles Miller, Kelly Lynne D’Angelo, Kenley Shea, Krystina Arielle Tigner, Satine Phoenix, Sirens of the Realms, Twitch, VividVivka, youtube
Interview: A Chat With the Cast of Sirens Of The Realms
Clear back at Dungeons & Dragons' Stream of Many Eyes last June, we had the fortune of watching Sirens of the Realms lead the charge on Day 2. The show already had a season's worth of episodes under its belt, being lead by D&D's Satine Phoenix as the DM with a bright and unique cast of characters role-playing as a traveling band of Bards. The show has become a mainstay in the weekly streaming cycle of gaming audiences and forged their own path as one of the most popular shows around in a short period of time. Sirens recently wrapped up its third season on Twitch (Tuesday's at 7pm PST) on one hell of a cliffhanger and two of the party's members clinging to life. As we wait to see when Season Four will kick off, we chat with Phoenix and the entire cast of the show about its beginnings, their chracters, the story so far, thoughts on D&D as a whole and where they're headed next. (All photos provided by SotR.)
Kenley Shea, Cynthia Marie, Krystina Arielle Tigner, Kelly Lynne D'Angelo, VividVivka, Satine Phoenix, and Jason Charles Miller
BC: For those who aren't familiar with you, tell us a little bit about yourselves.
Kelly: I'm Kelly. A little more about me: I'm an animation, comedy, and musical theatre writer and am also the Dungeon Master for Girls Guts Glory. I recently just got off Season 2 of Final Space and have written on a bunch of fun other stuff, including My Little Pony Equestria Girls and Littlest Pet Shop: A World of Our Own. Sometimes, you'll find me guesting on Geek & Sundry in places like L.A. By Night or Tales From The Loop. If you can't tell, escapist stuff is my M.O.
Kenley: I'm completely new to everything Dungeons & Dragons but I absolutely fell in love with the game as I learned it alongside my fellow game mates, whom I totally adore! I'm one of two members of my passion project called Singer & The Scientist, an indie electro-pop duo based in L.A. We have recently been in the studio this winter and are releasing a bunch of new synth/drum machine based singles from now until summer. I also spend my time writing, recording, and playing live with other various people and project around L.A. and Nashville. I also am the mother of Wookie, the raddist little puff ball pomeranian in the world.
Cynthia: I'm Cynthia Marie, I'm a dancer/choreographer by trade with my BFA from CalArts, Cosplayer, and overall gamer geek. I currently work as an analyst at an aerospace company during the day, as well as playing Nelli G on Geek and Sundry's LA by Night and Girasol on Sirens at night. You can find me in various music videos by IAMX and Ben Moody or on my podcast Life.Action.Roleplay. Where I co-host topics about Live Action Roleplaying and life. It's an absolute adventure every week!
Krystina: I'm Krystina Arielle. I'm an actress, singer, songwriter, cosplayer, and Pop Culture aficionado. I'm an army brat raised primarily in Columbus, Georgia. I live in Los Angeles with my husband Anthony and stepson, Luke. You may know me as Orisha from Sirens of the Realms, Rawr Gardless from Saving Throw Show's The Ironkeep Chronicles: The Rod of Seven Parts or as Bearah Pawcett from Critical Role's "Honey Heist 3: Tova's Honeys", and Alisanda Rayburton on Dice, Camera, Action.
Jason: Hi there I'm Jason Charles Miller, the one and only Siren BROTHER! I'm a singer/songwriter and voice actor. I host Starter Kit on Geek & Sundry (a show that teaches new players how to play RPGs). My voice acting highlights include Kingdom Hearts 3, Hearthstone, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Attack on Titan, Star Trek Online, Neverwinter Online, Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans, The Legend of Korra, World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XIV, and the Super Street Fighter series. My musical highlights include: three Gold Record Awards, touring the world as the lead singer of Godhead, writing the Critical Role theme song, as well as songs for TV shows True Blood, The Deadliest Catch, The NFL Today, and having co-written songs with Ben Moody Evanescence, Rickey Medlocke, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Billy Ray Cyrus, and Marilyn Manson.
Vivka: Oh, hi-hi! I'm VividVivka, the one-woman virtuoso of all things geeky. I am a costume designer and cosplayer, specializing in armor and detailed builds. I'm a video-game fanatic, Magic: the Gathering obsessed, and I've got a long list of Waifus. On Sirens of the Realms, I play the half moon elf/half Sprite named Ghost, aka the "Disaster Sprite". My collection of sparkly dice is to be envied but they don't really help my terrible rolls. When I'm not playing D&D, I'm usually doing a LARP. So, ya know, that roleplay lyfe, 'erry dang day. I'm also D&D's official NPC, the Black Viper!
Satine: [I'm the] Community Manager for Dungeons & Dragons. Dungeon Master of Sirens of the Realms. Host of Dungeon Master's Guide on Twitch & GM Tips on Geek & Sundry. Illustrator & co-author of New Praetorians Graphic Novel series, Co-author of The Action Heroine's Journey, founder of Entertainer, author, artist, and entrepreneur. Travels the world sharing the healing properties of play to people of all ages.
How did all of you first meet each other and become friends?
Satine: I've known Vivka the longest having played D&D with her a decade ago, Jason I met almost 10 years ago and never played with him despite him participating in CCD20. Cyn I met at Meltdown Comics and through various fantasy events seven years ago. I met Krystina recommended by an online friend named Mobius when I was casting for Season Two. I met Kelly last year at Geek & Sundry and had watched her DM for Girls Guts Glory. Kenley has been making music with Jason for many years and we instantly became friends at the audition for Season Three.
Satine, what made you want to start a new D&D-sponsored livestream game?
Satine: I had been running live streamed games since 2010 for Celebrity ChariD20 with Keith Baker as a fundraiser for a childhood literacy charity called Reach Out and Read. Between the charity and the bi-weekly games at Meltdown Comics, it was a natural progression to start doing longer form regular games with my L.A. entertainer friends where we are at our happiest: in front of the camera.
How did the concept come about to make it a band of traveling bards touring the realms?
Satine: In the olden days of D&D there were few people who enjoyed bards but the new 5th Edition bards are so versatile and dynamic I wanted to show the world how badass they are. Then it dawned on me: An all-girl bard band on tour through the Forgotten Realms. That logline sounded like so much fun and thus Sirens of the Realms was born. It was way for me to learn the Forgotten Realms since I'm obsessed with Eberron. As you can see it has grown to include Jason Charles Miller and the truth is that I can't disclude someone just because they don't fit the original plan. Like any good D&D game, we roll with it and Jason is an official Siren Bro.
How did you go about choosing who to bring on the show?
Satine: If we want a band of bards we have to bring on rock stars! The cast of Sirens was chosen based on their vibrancy and stage presence. Each player is a performer. Some sing, some play music, and some dance. It was important to me that the players want to dress up, role play together and make bold choices. They don't have to be experts at the game, they just needed to want to play with each other and be interested in each other's decisions.
For the cast, what was the process each of you went through to make your characters and what drew you to their specific traits and powers?
Kelly: Initially, we were offered the chance to multi-class, but I got a weak spot for a true bard. When I was trying to formulate my character, I wanted something that contrasted with everyone else, in order to give them fun things to play with. Because I joined the "band" a little later, it made sense to me to make her young and naive, looking for guidance. However, Fey Lore's powers deeply contrast her supposed innocence, and I love that dynamic. Her Tiefling race is often viewed as "evil", so to see someone embrace that side and struggle with that inner-self was a strong arc I was excited to explore.
Kenley: Since I was new to D&D, I just went with my gut of what seemed like not only a character I could connect with but also a character that I could get excited about and draw inspiration from in my real life of actually being Kenley Shea. I love the fact that she is so physical with her all her various weapons, and they are so closely linked with the spells and bonus actions that go with them. I also LOVE the fact that Xaris is an Eladrin Elf, so she gets to change slightly with the season, or with what's going on within her heart and soul.
Cynthia: Oh wow! It's been about a year since I started playing Girasol and D&D in general. I started off as a sisterly duo of lava and water, and so I really wanted to focus on bringing the heat. Since I was new, I stuck to a character archetype close to my personality so that I can focus on learning the rules of the game. I figure I would make my life easier, so I stuck with just being a full Bard. I immediately fell in love with the College of Swords, due to my short stint as a stunt fighter, and well, the rest of the choices are pretty much history. Shopping for the wig and costume really was special as I could start seeing pieces of her come together. Satine was really great with asking questions about what our background was, really providing thought-provoking questions that really shaped Girasol. I still rely on that bit of character work when making some of my character decisions. The character finally solidified as soon as I found her name; Girasol means fire opal in Spanish. However, when the camera turned on and I started really playing her did I realize that she was the woman I always strived to be. Strong. Passionate. Loving.
Krystina: I created Orisha sitting on Satine's couch. She is an Aasimar Cleric Bard (College of Glamour) and she's at this point a part of me. She is bold, fearless, longs to help change the world. Satine always calls her my "Diva with a Deva" as she goes into a fugue state and becomes controlled by her Deva spirit who brings the girls messages that Orisha can never remember. She can be abrupt but more than anything she leads with her heart. I felt an instant relationship with the Aasimar/Cleric angle. A healer with a spiritual essence. It just felt right.
Jason: I originally came on the show as a guest, so Satine handed me Brig Hellclaw, a Bard/Rogue. I decided to have fun with him at first and not worry too much about his backstory on the first day, I just jumped right in! I've since made him my own by slowly developing his backstory through writing songs for him and co-writing songs with different cast members, as well as discussing what his motivations might be with Satine.
Vivka: I've been playing Ghost since Episode 1 of Season 1, and she really has grown along with the seasons. I hadn't played D&D in years at that point, but I wanted to play something magic-based that I could have some bard fun with. She's a Bard/Druid, and a half Moon Elf/half Sprite. She's usually getting the group into trouble but at the end of the day, she would do anything for her friends. Unfortunately, my dice usually hate me, so I end up "rolling for a story" a lot. My favorite aspect of Ghost is her duality and her vulnerability. She overcompensates with brash, reckless, and sometimes downright egotistical actions, but in those softer moments, you see that all that huff is just to cover up a very lonely and scared little sprite.
What were the first few episodes like getting used to the format and each other's characters?
Kelly: I was really nervous! I really wanted to make Satine proud (as nerdy and gushy as that sounds) and the way I felt I could best do that was by making sure my character really served to highlight the others. I wanted everyone at the table to feel taken care of by Fey Lore. So I waited patiently, then once I felt comfortable, I started writing songs… and the rest is history.
Kenley: Again, being a COMPLETELY new player, and given the fact that I had only played TWO super short hour long games before being on the air live with a camera and an audience was the biggest thrill I have had in a long time. I felt sick to my stomach nervous but literally so excited I was going to explode! But, the way these game mates pulled me in and helped me with my D&D journey was so incredibly supportive, and I soon began to not only understand the game but fall in love with it as well as the people I was playing with. It's truly magical!
Cynthia: I was so nervous! I had never done something like this before, and I didn't want to let Satine down. I was requested to do an accent for Girasol, so on top of learning the rules, I was listening to Antonio Banderas as Puss and Boots and other "exotic" accents to hone in that accent every morning driving to work. I still thank my lucky stars that my longtime friend, Taliesin Jaffe, [was a] guest on my first episode and he bestowed the best advice ever on me. "It's a fantasy story with made up places and made up names… your accent will be perfect because it's made up." After that, I really got to explore and learn each of the girls. This past season was incredible bringing in new Sirens because we got to learn each other all over again with excitement and support! I love these girls!
Krystina: Oh goodness. I have never been more nervous in my life. My very first full D&D game was live on stream during my first episode of Sirens during Season Two. My heart was racing and I was absolutely terrified that I would blow something or botch a spell. The girls made sure I felt welcome and after that day I just wanted to play as much as humanly possible. These women are my family and each episode our bond and closeness grows. Seeing it stretch from game to real life is beautiful.
Jason: Having previously been on a weekly streaming show for 14 months straight over on Geek & Sundry (Foreververse), I felt pretty at ease jumping into Sirens. The "live" aspect of it can be really fun: it's the ultimate improv experience…but with magical powers!
Vivka: It always takes a while to find your groove with a character, and its multiplied so much with Sirens. We are all heavy into the role play aspects, and we were meeting not only the other players, and their characters… but meeting our own characters as well. But now, I consider the entire cast some of my closest friends, and real life Sisters (and Brother).
What were some of your favorite moments from that first season of the show?
Kelly: I loved when Brig made a complex assassin plot to take down the bad guys, I loved when Orisha tried to set the stage on fire then let me (unwillingly) ride her as a swan, I loved Girasol's intense moments with her half-orc mentor, I loved when Xaris and I got caught by two underground societies, and I loved Ghost's dreamworld as well as her initiating the food fight with me. This doesn't even cover all of the amazing guest star moments. There's really too many to count.
Kenley: I love anytime we get to interact with each other through music, poetry, or spoken word. It just puts everything on a whole other level with each other. Also, my favorite episode was the Kigarumi "Mahem" episode. SO MUCH FUN!!!
Cynthia: My fave moment in Season Two was really meeting Orisha and realizing she was my kindred buddy and meeting Girasol's lover Marcus and then losing him out of a portal. Season Three is chalk full of excitement from my first one-shot pre-game with Xaris, to searching for Ghost in all of the wrong places, the many beautiful songs my sisters WROTE AND SANG, to working with Padma (Girasol's mentor) and keeping it a secret, to really rising to the occasion and owning her inner strength and power.
Krystina: One of my absolute favorite episodes was when I got to sing my ode to Fey Lore. I love her character and the way she showed this incredible vulnerability that day. The way her character withdrew stirred something in my soul that wanted to just hug her with words because I couldn't reach her across the table. I love the way we see each other. All of us. It makes every episode special.
Jason: One of my favorite 'ah ha' moments from season one was figuring out how to incorporate music into the adventure without stopping too much of the action in the story. We're playing a game, but we're also making a show… it's got to be entertaining for the viewers too! Satine is such a great DM, she has a great sense of timing with certain events throughout each episode.
Vivka: During the first season (I think it was episode 1 or 2), I wrote and sang my first song on stream. I have terrible stage fright, and singing is a very personal intimate thing for me. I think you could HEAR my voice absolutely vibrating and shaking from fear. I had never sung in front of anyone before, and now I was doing it live on stream! It was a huge personal hurdle for me. I still get nervous and shaky three seasons later. But it helped me grow so much in my own confidence. And for Ghost herself… I would say when I re-wrote "Ice Ice Baby" as "Ice Knife Baby" and rapped the song to cast my spell. Satine's face was priceless.
How has the show and the direction you've taken in the story influenced your character's choices and path in life?
Kelly: Right now, Fey Lore is very impressionable. But also, she's really starting to embrace the darkness inside her. There's a real teenager there surfacing—one who's trying to define who she is—and I'm excited to see the next chapter of her journey.
Kenley: When we first introduced Xaris, she seemed like this big badass monster slayer fearless brick wall. But as the journey has developed, we now see fragile and sweet glimpses of her and her past and what's led her to where she is now. We see that EVERYONE has fears, and disappointments and hurts, and everyone needs love and community and a team around them.
Cynthia: Oh man! Girasol is hugely influenced by the plot due to her actions to save her family before her own life. Satine has certainly put Girasol through the wringer so I've really just been reacting and coming into what's thrown at me. I was shocked in season two when the black poison never left Girasol's face because she couldn't save herself, but it's really pushed me to take more risks with my character.
Krystina: I think each of these people inspires me to take risks and to grow as a person and a character. Orisha started as this very serious character and over time she has become far more light-hearted and a terrible joke teller. I think you go in with this idea of who you want your character to be and the story leads you where you are supposed to be. It can be so much more beautiful than what you planned.
Jason: Brig has really taken on the role of self-proclaimed protector of the sisters. They really don't need his help, but he likes to THINK he's helping. It's about 50/50 whether his ideas work or not.
Vivka: I had so many other personality ideas for Ghost when I built her out. But sometimes, the story has other plans. I didn't expect to become so involved and emotional with my other players. Ghost developed an intense "very short big sister" vibe with everyone. She's incredibly protective and will go to dangerous lengths to make sure "her band" is safe. Even so… I never expected Ghost to be a borderline alcoholic. I sometimes feel that Satine brings our party to bars just because she knows I'm going to drink myself into a disadvantage. I can't be mad though… forcing myself to make bad decisions because it's right by character is one of my favorite things about role-playing Ghost.
Satine, do you have an idea of where you want to take everyone each season or is it more of an impromptu path depending on what they do?
Satine: I notice the players are invested differently season to season. Some characters want to discuss backstory and character ideas outside of the game and some want it to be spontaneous in the game. I have the overall story written out but character development and growth happens episode to episode and sometimes changes where the story goes. I have to keep the story flexible when DMing. My favorite parts are when the players come up with some really brilliant ideas out of fear and imagination and they don't realize I change things based on their reactions. Sometimes slightly, sometimes significantly.
What has it been like connecting with the D&D audience and meeting fans of the show?
Kelly: There's nothing like it. Not only do I get a chance to perform for them, which honestly being a writer I never thought I'd be able to do, but the audience is giving me a chance to write songs for them. Tell them a story about a young girl who feels lost. Who needs hope. So please just let me say; YOU are the reason this is so magical. You are just as much a part of the story as any of us. We love you!
Kenley: OMG SO MUCH FUN! I had no idea this whole world and community existed! The live chat rooms are so fun and interactive and responsive. It's beautiful to connect with people in this way.
Cynthia: OMG they're all just incredible! It's been such a ball to talk and learn from them. They're all so warm and welcoming to newcomers and just so willing to teach what they know.
Krystina: I truly believe there is nothing like the D&D community. The warmth and kindness from the people at conventions, online, and occasionally at random stores is overwhelming and truly unique. I appreciate the kindness and thoughtful gifts from every single person that has shown us support. It's marvelous and magical.
Jason: Pretty fricken amazing! People in this community are some of the most supportive I've ever met. What a great group to be a part of!
Vivka: I am totally, utterly, completely overwhelmed. I have received amazing fanart and paintings, people have painted their own Ghost minis, and my highlight… someone cosplayed Ghost at GenCon last year. As a cosplayer myself, this was the most flattering and surreal moment. I am so flattered and amazed. The D&D community has shown me nothing but the utmost love and acceptance, and I truly have found home and family here.
Satine: The community around Sirens of the Realms is like nothing I've experienced before on other shows. We get letters and photos from families around the world of all ages. Some like the visuals, some like the songs but all seem to vocalize enjoying to watch a group of friends lift each other up each episode. We are vibrant and bold and soft and vulnerable and it's ok to be all of the feelings. Talking with the community online is like holding hands with childhood friends.
5E and the current generation of players have kind of broken the stereotype of D&D being mostly nerdy men in a basement. Sirens being a great example as you have a cast of mostly women that's very diverse. Do you take pride in breaking those stereotypes and showing what this game can be for anyone? Or is that something you just don't think about and doesn't really factor into how you feel about the show?
Kelly: The biggest factor is gatekeeping. But when someone lifts those gates for others, we're seen. It's beautiful being a part of the active representation. Conscious acknowledgement that our stories need to be told. That we have different perspectives and something to say. But personally, I don't witness myself breaking stereotypes. I'm simply living my own truth and playing at a table with people who are fundamentally the best at what they do.
Kenley: It's been a truly special experience to be recently brought in belong side such an amazing group of people. It COMPLETELY blew my mind how this broke any type of stereotype that I had in my mind going into it. ITS UNREAL how special this community is in ways that most people don't realize. And it's also so mind blowingly cool that we get to incorporate music into it, knowing how important music is to me in my own life.
Cynthia: I honestly didn't know that that was the perception of the game. Growing up playing video games with similar demographics it never really phases me. I think it's beautiful and amazing to see these beautiful, strong, and independent women (and our supportive male friends) play these killer characters, fight with passion, and be pretty princesses together. I'm so honored to play amongst these women.
Krystina: As a black woman in gaming it is extremely important to break down those barriers and combat gatekeeping. I wanted to play D&D so badly as a kid but it wasn't the most welcoming environment for a woman, let alone a woman of color. There are still people who say we don't "look like D&D players." Well, we are. Our faces may be symmetrical but it doesn't mean we are any less serious gamers. This game and community have provided a home for us and I take that responsibility very seriously. As someone with a seat at the table, I feel a responsibility to ensure others that look like me have that same opportunity. Different experiences in life breed different experiences at the table. That's one thing that I love about Sirens, we all come from different walks of life but in game, none of our differences matter. We are a family with a common purpose working towards a common goal.
Jason: When I was growing up, even SPEAKING the name Dungeons & Dragons would get you picked on or punched, immediately. My friends whispered about it in hushed tones under our breath, used code words when we were talking about it so the jocks wouldn't know. Dark memories of my locker being slammed in my face when a bully saw a Player's Handbook and shouts of "Nerd!!!" still echo through my mind. Now, it's COOL? The geeks really HAVE inherited the Earth!
Vivka: As a woman, I always feel I have to "prove" my geek cred. This show has been a fantastic opportunity to show people that not only do women play, but we play well and we have a lot of fun doing it. I've always been into nerd culture, but I never thought I would one day be able to live my dream and work within it at such a close degree. I just want to share my passions about role-playing with everyone, and get more people involved in such a wholesome, healthy, liberating hobby.
Satine: My aim is to normalize diversity. I don't want to point a finger at it. I'm a woman who is mixed race and from big cities where diversity is normal. I want the new stereotype to be "Imaginative people" or "Fun people".
You barely wrapped up Season Three recently. What was it like coming out of that storyline and having someone nearly end up dead near the end?
Kelly: I sadly wasn't there "in person" though I was definitely monkeying around. Sorry, worst joke ever. What I will say is that Satine set up the stakes and danger wonderfully in prior episodes, and though Fey Lore wasn't prepared, Kelly sure was. I love challenges like that. Big battles bind adventurers together. We can face whatever danger is ahead now… except maybe Tiamat. Or Szass Tam. Or a chromatic dragon. Okay, maybe a lot of things. But I'm excited to try, with these bards at my side!
Kenley: I literally thought I was going to throw up, haha!
Cynthia: As that nearly dead person (yes my hit points are in the negative) I was freaking the FORK out!!! Now I just want to jump into the next season so I can find out if I live or die.
Krystina: As someone who nearly ended up dead, on her birthday no less, can I just say YIKES!!! Then to almost lose Brig and have Girasol snatched away I just need the next season to start!! What a cliffhanger of a final episode. Satine sure knows how to leave even us hanging on the edge. I'm still shook and just ready to get back to the story!!!!!
Jason: I loved every second of it! I'm just glad we came out (mostly) alive.
Vivka: Well, I was basically a re-skinned T-Rex for the entire last episode… so my 2 INT score didn't leave me much room to ingest and worry about what was really going on.
For the cast, is there anything you'd like to explore with your character moving forward? And Satine, is there anywhere you want to take the cast down the road?
Kelly: I'm excited for Fey Lore to learn more – not just about the world around her, but herself. She's got a real journey ahead: growing up. And it won't always be pretty… as much as she wish it would be.
Kenley: I'm excited for all the Eladrin Elf seasons to come! We will see which one could be next!
Cynthia: I cannot wait to explore this new third eye and magic eye bestowed on Girasol as well as exploring the relationships of each of the sisters after this hopefully near death moment. Keeping fingers crossed!
Krystina: I would like for Orisha to finally find some love. She's had a rough road with losing her girlfriend while trying to free the captives in Season Two. She has consistently failed at trying to meet someone and she's at her core, a lover not a fighter. I also want to see her grow more confident in her powers and stop acting recklessly when she's afraid.
Jason: I'm just happy to be along for the ride. Every day on this show is a gift! I can't wait to see where Satine takes us next.
Vivka: Will Ghost open up to her bandmates? Will she finally write that #1 hit single? Will she convince everyone "Ghost & The Crew" is the ideal band name? Will she find a drink that satisfies? Tune in next season to find out!!
What do you hope people take away from the show when they watch it, whether they be first-timers or loyal fans?
Satine: You have a voice and it can be as vibrant and colorful as you want it to be. There aren't bad choices or bad rolls. You, like us, just "Roll for Story". And it's okay not to be perfect. I have brain damage and am still figuring out how to DM. Pay attention to those around you and keep your decisions flexible. The game is better if everyone is enjoying their time together, and don't forget it: You're playing WITH others, not vs or next to others.
What can we expect from everyone and the show moving forward in 2019?
Kelly: A whole lot of grotesque versions of what Fey Lore thinks things look like, a whole lot of polymorph, a whole lot of music and revelry, and a lot of flirting. Or at least, what Fey Lore thinks flirting is.
Kenley: More badassery, more amazing music, and lots of tears and laughter!
Cynthia: If I survive, you definitely can expect to see a more powerful, tactical fighter, and a dancer with a passion for love and life to rise from the ashes!
Krystina: More songs, more friendship, more monsters, and even more scorching rays!!!
Jason: Of course more music, more camaraderie, more teamwork, and a lot more invisible sneaking around like only bard/rogues who can cast invisibility will do!
Vivka: More good intentions made all the better by bad rolls. More living in disadvantage and somehow helping. More Disaster Sprite!
Satine: More mind-bending fun, portals, music videos, and other show adjacent Sirens projects.