Posted in: Card Games, Games, Tabletop, Yu-Gi-Oh! | Tagged: Konami, TCG, Trading Card Game, yu gi oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG
Konami Reveals Next Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Booster Set Lightning Overdrive
Konami revealed a brand new booster set will be coming this spring for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game called Lightning Overdrive. The booster set will be comprised of 100 cards, which will break down into 50 Commons, 26 Super Rares, 14 Ultra Rares, and 10 Secret Rares. Some of the new additions coming to the game through this set will include more cards for the "War Rock" World Premiere theme from Blazing Vortex, as well as several new cards for strategies introduced in Phantom Rage, Genesis Impact, and Blazing Vortex. There's also a healthy mix of new monsters to try out for themes that players have enjoyed over the past few years, which includes two monsters from the animated series, which you can read about below. Right now, Lightning Overdrive is set to be released on May 14th, 2021, and will be selling each pack at $4 a pop.
Lightning Overdrive is poised to shock the Dueling world and reinvigorate not one, but TWO beloved monsters from the worlds of the Yu-Gi-Oh! animated series! First, Number 39: Utopia from Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL gets a brand-new version of its upgraded Number C39: Utopia Ray form! Alongside comes a new suite of supporting cards that help you Summon Utopia as well as fetch "ZW" monsters and "Rank-Up-Magic" Spells out of your Deck.
After that, Lightning Overdrive rewinds time to Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, and introduces a new upgraded form of Akiza's beloved Black Rose Dragon! This monster will also be joined by a small retinue of "Rose Dragon" related cards to aid your Synchro Summons. But it doesn't stop there! A brand-new strategy invites all Duelists to explore the excitement and mystery of a monster-themed amusement park, and the story of Fallen of Albaz that began in Rise of the Duelist continues onward.