Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: kyurem, Niantic, Niantic Labs, pokemon, pokemon go
Kyurem Has Taken Over Legendary Raids In Pokémon GO
Well… it's back. Kyurem, the Boundary Pokémon, has returned to Pokémon GO for an entire month-long stay as the Legendary Raid Boss. It will lord over Tier Five raids from now until January 1st, 2021, clocking Kyurem's second month-long stay in the second half of 2020. While this choice strikes many Pokémon GO trainers as odd, there are certainly some that need this Unovan Dragon-type Legendary. Here is a breakdown of everything you need to know about Kyurem's stint as the raid boss.
Will Kyurem be available in its Shiny form?
Will Kyurem be available in its fused forms of Black Kyurem or White Kyurem?
Does anyone know why Kyurem is featured again so soon in Pokémon GO?
On a serious note, though, we're here to help trainers who do want to participate in Kyurem raids. Here is a short breakdown of information to help you maximize on these raids.
- Kyurem Raid Hour: It's happening tonight starting at 6 PM. Most gyms in-game will be taken over by Kyurem raids which will last the full hour. Due to today's release of the Kalos region Pokémon in the wild, it would be wise to expect an active raid hour due to the amount of players that return to the game purely for new regions.
- Kyurem Counters: Don't miss our full Raid Guide.
- Candy XL: Okay, so… there is a reason for those uninterested in Kyurem to consider doing raids. A major way to earn Candy XL, an item used to power-up Pokémon beyond Leve 40, is by raiding them. This is much easier than converting Candy to Candy XL. Niantic purposely wants you to raid, catch, and hatch Pokémon rather than convert. If you plan on maxing out your Kyurem eventually, you wil definitely want to get out there and raid, even though it isn't the most interesting of raid bosses.