Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: blizzard, Heroes of the Storm, Nexomania
Nexomania Returns to Heroes of the Storm Later this Month
The Nexomania event is returning to Heroes of the Storm on May 22nd. This year, the event brings new skins for Lunara, Sonya, Diablo, Garrosh, E.T.C., and Kharazim, as well as new mounts, and a hero re-balance for Lunara and Diablo.
During Nexomania, all Loot Chests you earn through progression, Heroes Brawl, or spending Gems will be Nexomania Loot Chests (hero-specific chests are an exception and will remain unchanged). The limited-edition skins and mounts all have a chance to drop from Nexomania chests only. However, last year's items will also be available in the Nexomania chests, so you can get your hands on those as well if you missed them.
The event includes a new questline designed around the impending grudge match between Lunara and Sonya. The quest has players choose a side to earn a different set of season rewards depending on their decision. Once you choose a side, the other questline will become inaccessible and the only way to receive those rewards will be during next summer's Nexomania.
The quests involve helping either Sonya or Lunara by completing challenges in Quick Match, Versus A.I., Unranked, or Ranked games.
Nexomania will be running from May 22nd to June 11th. You can find more information on the event here.
The Hero re-works for Lunara and Diablo have also been detailed on the blog. They've launched now on the PTR, so you can take them out for a spin now.
Our goals for this gameplay update are two-pronged: First, we wanted to add some additional gameplay to Lunara's Wisp ability and consolidate some Wisp talents into something that we felt was a more interesting choice. Our second goal was to expand the playstyles available to Lunara by injecting more power into her Talent options. However, with adding so much more power into her talents, we've had to slightly reduce some of the power in her core abilities. We've had a blast testing Lunara in our internal playtests, and we're excited to release her new and improved version into the wild!
For Diablo:
Our aim with Diablo's update was to give the Lord of Terror more direct control into his abilities, add some fun new gameplay options, and avoid compromising what we feel Diablo does best. To accomplish our goals, we're putting more power directly into the hands of Diablo players by adding targeting to Fire Stomp. Additionally, we are allowing multiple fire waves to hit the same Hero, so with the right amount of mechanical prowess and coordination, you can now pull off those perfect combos. We're also adding self-healing to Fire Stomp so that Diablo has a way of maintaining his own Health total without relying solely on his teammates and Healing Fountains. To help with those problematic low-Takedown games, Diablo's Level 4 Talents now allow him to collect Souls in interesting new ways, so that he can still make the most of his Trait, Black Soulstone. There are a significant number of fun synergies and interactions between Talents across his tree, and we're excited to see what creative combinations players latch onto.