Posted in: Card Games, Games, Magic: The Gathering, Tabletop, Wizards of the Coast | Tagged: Brawl, card games, commander, EDH, magic, Magic: The Gathering, MTG, Nicol Bolas, Oathbreaker, OBK, Tabletop, wizards of the coast, WotC
"Nicol: The Bolasing" Deck Tech Series, Part 6 – "Magic: The Gathering"
It is I, Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker, supreme overlord of the Multiverse, and dragon-god about town! I have decided to commandeer the next few Magic: The Gathering posts by this author in order to firmly place myself within the ranks of Bleeding Cool authordom! Quiver with fear at my Overwhelming Splendor!
As a final present for you this Christmas Day, dear, sweet, highly-edible readers, I bestow upon you all a final Oathbreaker decklist – this time, it features my Dragon-God form!
Inclusions Fit For a God-Pharaoh
My Signature Spell: This deck, my magnum opus of originality and power, thrives off of reusing spells that I have cast. As such, Deliver Unto Evil is my Signature Spell. Because I will always be present at its casting, it will always bring back everything I choose to reclaim with it. Isn't that wicked?
Dredge theme: Besides the glut of removal in my arsenal, this deck employs a heavy Dredge theme. Sadly, only black and red cards in this deck can possibly have dredge (thank me for all of these Shenanigans!). Stinkweed Imp and Darkblast all do the job of milling my library so that I may reap the untold benefits. Even the very land itself (specifically Dakmor Salvage) bends to my whim!
Self-Mill potential: If a game goes too long, I have the likes of Laboratory Maniac to allow me to shut the game down for a win. There is not much to speak about the great and mighty Lab Man but if there's anything, it's that he is a fantastic contingency plan, secondary to my ultimate ability. I am all-powerful, and none can stop-
What's this?! Curses! He has returned! Nooooo!
I Will Have My Revenge, Josh Nelson!
Oh, for the love of Erebos… Hey readers, I'm back, and Nicol Bolas has been banished by me to a rather obscure plane of existence quite far away. Don't worry, these decks are still very much usable, and you can continue to summon the Elder Dragon tyrant even though he's away (for now – we can never be too vigilant!).
Anyhow, I'm kind of sleepy (where was I, anyway?) but I wanted to wish you all happy holidays, and Merry Christmas to those who celebrate!
(Hey, it turns out that this evil draconic megalomaniac writes some decent articles!)