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Nintendo Collector Recreates Company's Original Office For Collection

There are Nintendo fans of many levels and types, but recently one came to light that will freak you out with what he did. A Nintendo collector based in France named Fabrice Heilig decided he was going to go above and beyond with his personal collection of items. Heilig ran into the same issue a lot of collectors run into, and that's a lack of space. Everything he owned was slowly consuming the space around him, and he needed a solution. But rather than just get a shed or an extension to his house, he went the extra mile and decided to do something no one else had done. He recreated Nintendo's first official office space from the 19th Century. In his own backyard, no less, as you can see from the image here.

A look at the outside of the building, courtesy of Petits Secrets de Playhistoire.
A look at the outside of the building, courtesy of Petits Secrets de Playhistoire.

The original office in Kyoto, which you would think would have been preserved for all time as a landmark, was tragically bulldozed to the ground in 2004 and turned into, what else, a parking lot. So with no physical location to research, Heilig has to use photography and surviving elements from the location to base a set of measurements on, and got to work. This is about as faithful a recreation as you can get, down to the types of wood and materials used to make the structure. He even imported a fire extinguisher box from Japan to sit outside the front door. The building now houses his collection, which is made up of a lot of Nintendo's old card collections they used to produce before they went into video games. You can see more about the house in the video below, as he was recently visited by Petits Secrets de Playhistoire to check out the place and his collection.

We look forward to the day when someone tries to top this by building the "white cube" that is Nintendo's current Kyoto HQ.

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Gavin SheehanAbout Gavin Sheehan

Gavin is the current Games Editor for Bleeding Cool. He has been a lifelong geek who can chat with you about comics, television, video games, and even pro wrestling. He can also teach you how to play Star Trek chess, be your Mercy on Overwatch, recommend random cool music, and goes rogue in D&D. He also enjoys hundreds of other geeky things that can't be covered in a single paragraph. Follow @TheGavinSheehan on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Vero, for random pictures and musings.
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