Pokémon GO has announced the March 2025 slate of content as Niantic gears up for a new season of gameplay called Might and Mastery.
Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: clefairy, Clefairy Commotion, Niantic, pokemon, pokemon go
Pokémon GO Event Review: Clefairy Commotion 2022
Pokémon GO held another pair of one-day events this past weekend. Saturday night brought us Clefairy Commotion, which saw an increase in Clefairy spawns, and Sunday afternoon saw the launch of Deoxys Raid Day, which flooded gyms with Deoxys raids, including all four Formes of the Mythical Pokémon. Today, let's assess Clefairy Commotion to see if it was a worthy offering.
What worked in this Pokémon GO event
- Themed events: Celebrating the harvest moon with Clefairy spawns is a perfect idea. In theory, it should've been a great time. Unfortunately, the basic idea of the event is all Clefairy Commotion had working for it.
What didn't work in this Pokémon GO event
- The length: I love one-day events. I ranked Wooper Watch as one of the greatest Pokémon GO events of all time. So what makes this single-day offering not work? Well, one of a handful of major problems Clefairy Commotion had was that it was a three-hour event. I'm perfectly fine with some events being three hours long if the event's content is catered to an intense grind, but that was not the case here due to the next two reasons.
- The timing: 6 PM – 9 PM? To hunt Clefairy spawning at a far less than Spotlight Hour rate without an increased Shiny chance? Wooper Watch worked as a nighttime event because it was all night. The Halloween launch is the perfect event to start at night because it's just the beginning of a long event. Starting this at 6 PM and ending at 9 PM worked for the theme and nothing else, as it made the game unplayable for a large portion of the fanbase.
- The spawn rate: There were more Clefairy than usual for sure. I'd say every fourth or fifth spawn was a Clefairy. I don't understand why the game wouldn't go all out! Flood the map. Open up inactive spawn points like you do for a standard Spotlight Hour. What was advertised as a fun, themed event ended up far less exciting than even the weekly Tuesday Spotlight.
Clefairy Commotion could've been a fun night of gameplay, but instead it was yet another demonstration of why Niantic desperately needs a better sense of what players actually enjoy about Pokémon GO.

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