The new Stunning Styles event brings a focus to regional Pokémon including the newly released Paldean Tauros as well as Shellos.
Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: Greedy Gluttons, Guzzlord, Niantic, pokemon, pokemon go
Pokémon GO Event Review: Greedy Gluttons 2022
The Greedy Gluttons event brought a Dark-type and, uh… food-focused event to Pokémon GO this past week. As the event begins to overlap today with a more dominant Team GO Rocket Takeover, let's look back at this Guzzlord-themed week of gameplay to see if it was a delicious offering or a meal better off ignored.
What worked in this Pokémon GO event
- New Shiny release: Shiny Muchlax was released through 7 KM Gift Eggs. This was a low-key Shiny release as Shiny Snorlax was already released, which made the lack of a Shiny Muchlax in the game very unusual. Still, any Shiny release is a strong feature as these give players something to hunt and also enrich the game in the longterm.
- 7 KM Gift Eggs: Overall, this was a strong offering. We had Gible, Munchlax, and Cherubi in these Eggs. Cherubi is a somewhat recent Shiny release and is rarely featured. Pair that with the chance at a Shiny Munchlax and these are indeed worth hatching. As far as Gible, that would've one day been the definitive chase of the event, but Gible's feature as a Community Day Pokémon after a long stint as Niantic's cash cow shut that down. I'm definitely glad that Niantic using Gible this way is a thing of the past, as we are now seeing them cycle through the other rare Dragons this way, with Axew their current focus. We're likely to see that end in 2023 when Axew, if the pattern remains, gets a Community Day.
- Wild spawns: These were relatively solid, with Snorlax and Lickitung spawns being the major win here. Alolan Rattata was also back after a long time out of the spotlight, and Shiny-capable Bidoof was worth hunting.
- Guzzlord: While this was mostly its own raid rotation outside of the event, the event was largely made as a tie-in to the Guzzlord drop so it's worth a mention in this.
- Overlap with Team GO Rocket takeover: Because this is a fun but overall light event without much content, Niantic choosing to layer it with an entirely separate event in the second half of its run time was a great move.
What worked in this Pokémon GO event
- The weird Egg Widget bonus: The bonus for this event was that the first three Eggs incubated during Greedy Gluttons would have half Egg Hatch Distance if Pokémon GO players had the Egg Hatch Widget on their phone's home screen. I've been playing since Day One and writing about this game for years and even I had to look this up. What are we doing here, Niantic? This was a silly bonus, and not even that worthy of a buff.
This was a solid event meant to be a light offering before Team GO Rocket kicked up things with their 2022 Takeover. With that goal in mind, it worked perfectly fine.

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