Posted in: Board Games, Figures, Games, Miniatures, Renegade Game Studios, Review, Tabletop | Tagged: Bulk, Heroes of the Grid, power rangers, Skull
Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid's Bulk And Skull: Silly, But Fun
Renegade Game Studios, creators of the Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid board game, based the aforementioned game on the comic book series now operating under publisher BOOM! Studios. In the comic, the Power Rangers – usually the main series team, with some cameos by other squads of Rangers – have to contend with a great many different monsters and villains, usually in the servitude or employ of Rita Repulsa, an alien witch hellbent on annihilating and conquering the Earth. However, while that task is meant for the Power Rangers, their alter-egos have to deal with problems of another sort – namely, a pair of punkish bullies named Bulk and Skull.
However, the board game posits the following conundrum: What if the Power Rangers went missing and there were no better alternatives than elevating Bulk and Skull to official Ranger status? Renegade has truly thought out these hypothetical questions thoroughly. We got ahold of a copy of the Bulk & Skull boxed set for Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid, and here's what we think!
In the game, Farkas "Bulk" Bulkmeier and Eugene "Skull" Skullovitch are the Purple and Orange Power Rangers, respectively, and harness the powers of the "Baconodon" (based on the boarlike Entelodon of the Eocene Period of prehistory) and the "Featherdactyl" (which is itself based on the Phorusrhacos "terror bird" that seems to have died out in the late Pleistocene).
If we were in charge of giving the power of gargantuan mechas to "teenagers with attitude", we might consider not giving this enormous power and responsibility to the likes of Bulk and Skull, but hey, it seems that Zordon saw something in them… or had no better options. Huh.
All in all, this duo of unlikely heroes seems like a fun addition to various games of Heroes of the Grid. Do you agree? Let us know in the comments below!