Posted in: Card Games, Games, Pokémon TCG, Tabletop | Tagged: aipom, pokemon, pokemon cards, pokemon go, Pokemon TCG
TCG Spotlight: Some Of The Best Aipom Pokémon Cards
In honor of tonight's Aipom Spotlight Hour in Pokémon GO, let's take a look back at some of the most iconic Aipom cards from the Pokémon TCG including both vintage and modern. We'd love to hear from you, so chime in with your top Aipom picks in the comments below.
What an era the Neo sets were. I love the use of experimental artwork in this era, which is where we began to see the Pokémon TCG diversify not only the look of the cards but also of the species featured. Neo Genesis was the first major expansion where Generation Two Pokémon appears, including this Aipom here. Hironobu Yoshida draws this playful and mischievous Aipom in its very first TCG appearance. This is a bit of an outlier for the time, as most first appearances during this era and even in later sets were drawn by lead Pokémon artist and designer Ken Sugimori.
The sheer number of cards involving Pokémon eating fruit or attempting to eat fruit is stunning. Roaring Skies has Meowth going for fruit in its card, with Inkay continuing the narrative by stealing the fruit in its card. Chespin appears in a whopping three different fruit-centric cards in BREAKthrough. This trend of hungry Pokémon was around all the way back in the e-series era, as evidenced by this cute, storybook-style card illustrated by Kagemaru Himeno.
Finally, we arrive in the modern era with this Naoki Saito Aipom from XY: Steam Siege. Aipom's art ties into this set's ongoing visual motif of gears and cityscapes, which is a nice touch. Steam Siege is perhaps the most underrated set in the history of the Pokémon TCG. It has become a meme to hate Steam Siege, but I believe that it doesn't go beyond the meme-factor. Yes, it's over-printed, but what gets massively overlooked is the fun and beautiful common artwork like this Aipom card.