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Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: pokemon, Psychic Spectacular, solosis
The Psychic Spectacular 2023 Event Begins Tomorrow In Pokémon GO
The Psychic Spectacular 2023 event begins tomorrow in Pokémon GO, bringing Shiny Solosis into the game for this recurring annual celebration.
The next major Pokémon GO event begins! This event sees the release of Solosis as a Shiny Pokémon, Burn Drive Genesect in Tier Five Raids, and more. Rare Galarian species like Galarian Ponyta and Galarian Slowpoke will also be in the wild as difficult-to-find spawns.
Here's what's happening for the Psychic Spectacular 2023 event in Pokémon GO starting tomorrow:
- Date and time: Wednesday, September 20, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. to Sunday, September 24, 2023, at 8:00 p.m. local time
- New Shiny Pokémon: Solosis can be encountered in its Shiny form in Pokémon GO for the first time.
- Wild Spawns: Abra (can be Shiny), Slowpoke (can be Shiny), Drowzee(can be Shiny), Exeggcute (can be Shiny), Girafarig (can be Shiny), Ralts (can be Shiny), Meditite (can be Shiny), Spoink (can be Shiny), Gothita, Solosis (can be Shiny), and Elgeym (can be Shiny). Galarian Ponyta (can be Shiny), Galarian Slowpoke (can be Shiny), and Bronzor (can be Shiny) will be rare spawns.
- Event bonus:
- Increased XP for successfully catching Pokémon with Curveball Throws.
- A Psychic-themed Collection Challenge that will award Mega Energy for certain Psychic-type Pokémon, Stardust, and XP.
- Spoink-themed PokéStop Showcases.
- Timed Research: This curveball-themed Timed Research will reward encounters with Solosis, which can be Shiny in Pokémon GO for the first time.
- Raids:
- Tier One: Espurr (can be Shiny), Unown P, Unown S, Unown I. None of these Unown can be Shiny.
- Tier Three: Alolan Raichu, Galarian Mr. Mime, Hisuian Braviary (can all be Shiny)
- Tier Five:
- September 16th – September 23rd: Burn Drive Genesect (can be Shiny)
- September 23rd – October 6th: Entei, Suicune, Raikou (can be all Shiny)
- Mega Raids: Mega Gardevoir
- 7KM Gift Eggs: Smoochum (can be Shiny), Wynaut (can be Shiny), Chingling, Solosis (can be Shiny)
- Field Research:
- Encounters: Kadabra, Galarian Slowpoke (can all be Shiny), Wobbuffet (can all be Shiny), Metang, Solosis (can all be Shiny), Inkay (can all be Shiny)
- Mega Energy: Alakazam, Slowbrow, Gardevoir, Medicham
Be sure not to miss our:
- Burn Drive Genesect Raid Guide For Pokémon GO: Adventures Abound
- Mega Gardevoir Raid Guide For Pokémon GO: Adventures Abound

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