Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: Niantic, nitantic labs, pokemon, pokemon go, Victini
Victini Special Research Is Now Live In Pokémon GO
First, there was Mew. Then, there was Celebi. Then, Jirachi. Then, Niantic said, "to hell with Generation Four, let's just do Victini." Today, after Victini's GO Fest 2020 debut for ticketed players, Special Research to acquire this Generation Five Mythical Pokémon from the Unova region has gone live for all players. It can be found in the Research area in the lower right-hand corner of the screen when trainers swipe to the "Special" tab. Here's everything you need to know about Victini.
If you attended GO Fest 2020, you can still play this research, which is titled "The Feeling of Victory." As promised, this free research it will lead to an encounter with Victini for all players who did not attend the virtual GO Fest, its ultimate reward to players who did attend will be Victini Candy so that trainers can power up their little Psychic/Fire-type Mythical.
The reason that trainers won't get a second Victini is that the Special Research Mythicals of Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, and Victini are meant to be the only version of that Pokémon a trainer can have. So the Mythical you get is the Mythical you get. Research Pokémon have, unlike wild Pokémon, an IV floor of 10/10/10, which means that at worst, trainers will receive a pretty good Victini. Because of this limit to one of these creatures per trainer, Victini cannot currently be traded.
Victini is useful as both a Psychic-type and Fire-type Pokémon. It made the list of Top Genesect Counters when that Pokémon was in raids this summer, and will also be a great counter against Mega Venusaur and Virizion. Known as the "Victory Pokémon," Victini's dex entry says: "When it shares the infinite energy it creates, that begin's entire body will be overflowing with power."
Stay tuned to Bleeding Cool for our full, detailed quest guide to "The Feeling of Victory" Special Research in Pokémon GO, where we will break down the tasks, the rewards, and more.