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Eight Months Of Work On Uncharted 4 Was Thrown Out After New Creatives Came In
There was a huge shift on Uncharted 4's production early last year. A ton of key creative personnel left their jobs at the developer and the team behind The Last of Us came on to right the boat.
It seems that there was a big upheaval on the project at that point. Nathan Drake voice actor Nolan North, recently spoke at Metrocon, and some pretty candid quotes were caught by Neogaf. North said that a significant amount of work was thrown out as others came on:
Yeah. I can't really say too much about that…but I will. We had shot 8 months of her story and it was all thrown away. The Last of Us guys came in, and you have to understand, new producers, new people, they want to do it. I don't know what happened exactly. Amy is still a very dear friend of mine and she's brilliant but the Last of Us guys were the next team there so they took over and they just wanted their own flavour. They got rid of some of the other people that were involved and just redid their thing… So it'll be fun, the tone I think is gonna be slightly different. It has to be, you know, you can't have a Robert Ludlum novel that's going to be the same as Steven King. It's just that they're different styles. But it's true to the story.
Something very interesting seems to have gone on during that period when key creatives like Amy Hennig left, and Neil Druckmann and co. came on. It is probably for the best that the Last of Us team turned things around to make the story their own mind. They are too good to write someone else's vision.
Having said that though, that means there is another Uncharted 4 story that will be untold…for now.