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Sky High Director Reveals His Ideas for a Sequel Film

The director of the 2005 superhero comedy film Sky High shares a few details about his proposed sequel and who would need to return.

Article Summary

  • Sky High director Mike Mitchell discusses plans for a sequel with original cast.
  • The sequel would transition characters from high school to university professors.
  • Nicholas Braun, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, and Kurt Russell are essential to return.
  • The cult classic explores grown-up themes, keeping its unique, campy vibe alive.

When the 2005 superhero comedy film Sky High was initially released, it came ahead of the thriving success of the MCU and the modern expansion of the superhero genre in general. Additionally, due to its campy, youthful tone, the film didn't attempt to fit into the popular gritty superhero mold that helped the cinematic subgenre take off. So, needless to say, it didn't become a huge mainstream hit.

However, nearly two decades after its release, the Sky High movie has garnered a larger cult audience and is close to landing a sequel and spin-off series. Now, after all this time, the film's director highlights a few key details about the proposed sequel and what it would require.

Sky High Director Reveals His Ideas for a Sequel Film
Sky High | Disney

Sky High Director Talks Potential Sequel Storyline

In an interview with, Sky High director Mike Mitchell was asked to elaborate on his ideas for a potential Sky High sequel, with Mitchell sharing the premise of the proposed sequel to the cult classic. The filmmaker explains to the publication, "All the original kids would be back again, including Cousin Greg [Nicholas Braun]. That was one of his first films. Mary Elizabeth Winsted as Royal Pain and Kurt Russell would have to be back as well. We figured all the kids are now grown up, and they're all university teachers at a place called Save U. You just take all that fun, and we bring it from the high school into the college years. It would be such a blast."

Sky High's official plot summary: At a school in the sky where teens learn how to be superheroes, Will Stronghold (Michael Angarano) lands in a class for students who show special promise. Classmate Gwen (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) quickly cozies up to Will, but it's soon clear that she has other motives. When he learns that Gwen's mother is a villain who was defeated by his father, Steve Stronghold (Kurt Russell), Will realizes that Gwen is aiming for revenge, and he rushes to a school dance in the hope of stopping her.

All things considered, what are your thoughts on a sequel to Sky High? Does it have the ability to live up to its campy, early '00s allure?

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Aedan JuvetAbout Aedan Juvet

A self-proclaimed pop culture aficionado with a passion for all things horror. Words for Cosmopolitan, Screen Rant, MTV News, NME, etc. For pitches, please email
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