Dynamite has sent us a writer's commentary by Amy Chu as she talks Red Sonja #2, on sale now Cover by Mike McKone, interiors by Carlos Gomez.
Wow, thanks everyone for the great reviews on this issue! A lapsed reader even tweeted out that it's brought them back to comics Stuff like this makes it totally worthwhile, because you know[...]
Amy Chu Archives
And here we have the other half of the Writer-2-Writer interview from Dynamite, this time featuring Karl Kesel, writer of Battlestar Galactica: Gods & Monsters #3, asking the questions of writer Amy Chu about KISS #4. Cover by Lucio Parrillo, and interiors by Kewber Baal.
KARL KESEL: What appeals to you about KISS? Why were you eager to[...]
Dynamite has sent over a Writer's Commentary from Amy Chu about Red Sonja #1, which is on sale now. Cover by Nick Bradshaw, interiors by Carlos Gomez.
When Dynamite asked me to pitch a story with Red Sonja in the modern world, I knew it was going to be hard, but I didn't realize how hard. First to[...]
Dynamite has sent over a Writer's Commentary by Amy Chu for Red Sonja #0, that came out last week The cover art is by Nick Bradshaw with interiors by Carlos Gomez.
So this was a really tough story to write, because originally it was supposed to be a gigantic SECRET leading up to an enormous reveal on[...]
Amy Chu talks to Byron Brewer about Red Sonja #2, on sale in February from Dynamite Cover by Mike McKone.
BYRON BREWER: Amy, right off the bat I wanted to mention that Mike McKone's gorgeous cover of Red Sonja in the Big Apple (isn't she cold? Brrr …) reminds me of the long-ago What If? issue[...]
Dynamite is kicking off their new Red Sonja series with a $0.25 cent issue by Amy Chu and Carlos Gomez that comes out next month and has had 110,000 copies ordered That's a huge number for any comic.
The book has three covers done by: Nick Bradshaw, Brandon Peterson and J Scott Campbell.
What might[...]
Amy Chu talks to Byron Brewer about the debut of KISS: THE DEMON #1, on sale in January from Dynamite Covers: Kyle Strahm, Tom Mandrake, and Michael Adams.
BYRON BREWER: Amy, I just marvel at a writer being able to write a wonderfully serious sci-fi take on KISS as you have, much less two! Tell us[...]
(MacFarlane's KISS run also did well, but those were considered magazines.)
The thing these two book have in common is writer Amy Chu Amy runs the comic imprint Alpha Girl Comics and has written Poison Ivy and Wonder Woman for DC Now she's come over and made a pretty big splash with Dynamite I was curious[...]
This, the fourth volume, will be written by Amy Chu and drawn by Carlos Gomez Amy is also doing the new KISS series for Dynamite and wrote Poison Ivy for DC Carlos has been a regular artist on the Jim Butcher's Dresden Files books To kick the new series off, the publisher is putting out[...]
Red Sonja returns in a new series with Amy Chu writing, Carlos Gomez doing the art and the She-Devil with a Sword back in the classic metal bikini In December there will be a 24-page #0 issue going for only $0.25 Which is cheaper than the sales tax on a lot of the comics out today[...]
A Writer's Commentary: Amy Chu talks KISS #1 with additional commentary by Kewber Baal, on sale now from Dynamite Cover by Goni Montes with interiors by Kewbar Baal.
Hi there, readers, putting together this behind-the-scenes look in the wee hours so bear with me I had a crazy but wonderful night in New York City signing[...]
The first issue of the new KISS comic by Amy Chu and Kewber Baal his stores this week with a variety of covers including some special bagged editions by John Cassaday A separate series was announced at NYCC, KISS: The Demon by Chu, Erik Burnham and Eman Casallos To keep up the push on the[...]
Writer Amy Chu talks the special issue and the relaunch of the series with Byron Brewer Cover by Nick Bradshaw.
BYRON BREWER: Amy, we start this book off with a bang: an underground adventure AND a mystery! Quite ambitious Is this the first time you have written Red Sonja, and how came you to these pages?
Keith Davidson, Dynamite's marketing director, introduced writers Paul Cornell, Benjamin Percy, Amy Chu, and Erik Mona from Paizo Publishing onto the panel The writers discussed their latest work and what they had in store for their upcoming stories.
Paul Cornell discussed his upcoming Vampirella:
– He emphasized that comic won't be a reboot and continues with everything[...]
With the upcoming debut of KISS #1 from writer Amy Chu and artist Kewber Baal, Dynamite Entertainment announces the first spinoff series, KISS: The Demon. Co-written by Chu (Poison Ivy) and Erik Burnham (Back to the Future), with art by Eman Cassallos (Vampirella), the series focuses on the band's bass player and co-founder Gene Simmons.
Before Blackwell, before Morpheus,[...]
Dynamite is pulling out all the stops with their new KISS comics series from Amy Chu and Kewber Baal Not only do they have 14 covers for the first issue, they have now announced a special John Cassaday 'Blind Bag' variant This is a new item that comes in a Kiss Army plastic bag and[...]
The new series is going to be written by Amy Chu and drawn by Kewber Baal I talked with Amy about the new series and working with such an iconic set of characters.
DAN WICKLINE: From what I've seen, the world is filled with KISS fans and folks who don't know they're KISS fans Were you[...]
Writer Amy Chu talked to Byron Brewer about bringing back the music icons to the printed page and just who turned out to be a big help witht he series. Covers A-D are by Goni Montes and Cover G is by Shouri.
BYRON BREWER: Amy, tell us a little about how you came to be involved in[...]
Dynamite has become the industry leader in books based on film, television, video games, and more, with such diverse world-renowned brands as Atari, James Bond, Grumpy Cat, Bob's Burgers, and so many more! Discover the shape of comics to come, courtesy of Dynamite staff members and some of the entertainment industry's greatest creative minds, including:
Amy Chu – Writer of the[...]
The origins of KISS comic books date almost as far back as the inception as the band itself, having been an integral part of comics culture since their 1977 appearance in Howard the Duck #12 and 1978's Marvel Comics Super Special: Kiss. Now Dynamite has become the newest publisher to create Kiss comics starting this October.
The new series will be a futuristic,[...]
JJ Fiegel writes for Bleeding Cool from C2E2,
Amy Chu and Clay Mann are the current team behind the Poison Ivy: A Cycle of Life and Death miniseries for DC Comics The panel was moderated by Ezekiel III and Meredith Placko.
Pleasantries were exchanged This is Chu's fourth time attending C2E2 She is the writer, or as[...]
Here we have an early look at Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death, the new 6-issue miniseries launching in January, written by Amy Chu with art and covers by Clay Mann.
Life Death Poison Ivy has power over both But can she keep her friends and hold down a regular job at the same time?[...]
In January, announced in USA Today, DC Comics are launching a number of new series, not what we previously referred to as "Big October".
Including a new Poison Ivy mini-series, Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death, by writer Amy Chu which
takes the Batman villainess in "a really new direction," Harras says, "and it's a fun twist[...]
The CBLDF Liberty Annual 2014, supporting the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, is publishing by Image Comics on the 8th October – with the Final Order Cut-Off date set for Monday.
The writers on the comic are Jeff Parker, Stan Sakai, Marc Guggenheim & Tara Butters, Jonathan Hickman, Brian Wood, Amy Chu, Al Ewing, Robin Furth, Luke[...]