btvs Archives

Buffy: Joss Whedon Needs to Take a Deal, Take a Check & Take a Hike
With BTVS and Angel, the actors, writers, producers, make-up team, costume professionals, stunt coordinators, and a whole lot of other production stakeholders as being just as responsible for the series that hit our screens as Whedon was For what they put into making those modern television classics come to life and remain as vibrant as[...]
Following that, Boreanaz discusses if his kids have seen his BTVS/Angel work and if an on-screen reunion was in the cards for Boreanaz and Gellar (with the latter's Wolf Pack also on Paramount+) His response about the two teaming together behind the camera for a genre series was an interesting one- make sure to check[...]
wolf pack
But this week, during The Wrap's Power of Women Summit in Los Angeles, Gellar elaborated on how the "extremely toxic male set" drove home the importance of working with supportive women and allies. Image: BTVS DVD Release Trailer Screencap "For so long, I was on a set that I think was known for being an extremely toxic[...]
As fans are more than aware, the end of the show's third season brought a wave of change to BtVS with perhaps the biggest change being the departure of David Boreanaz's Angel and Carpenter's Cordelia Chase to Los Angeles for the spinoff series Angel (along with the late Glenn Quinn's Doyle), which would run for[...]
Greenberg sound? What really separates the work from others is the access Katz had to those who helped him address both the franchise's immense impact on pop culture and society as well as a number of its failings (including directly addressing the abuse accusations leveled at series creator Joss Whedon by many connected with the[...]
Hardly seems poss the airdate was in 3/1997. We shot the pilot for #BTVS while I was still a series reg on Malibu Shores My audition for #BTVS almost didn't happen cuz Malibu Shores shot in San Pedro that day Getting to The Ranch at rush hour was next 2 impossible — charisma carpenter (@AllCharisma) March[...]
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Can There Be a Post-Joss Whedon TV Future?
Back in February 2021, BtVS & Angel star Charisma Carpenter went public with accusations against Whedon that involved years of unprofessional and abusive behavior Carpenter's posts would bring a number of others who had worked with Whedon in the past to offer Carpenter their support and/or share their own allegations against him, including Sarah Michelle[...]