christopher eccleston Archives

Doctor Who Can be Read as a Series Where he Doctor as God
It began with "Father's Day" when the Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) sacrifices himself in a church, only to come back to life when Time is restored It was in this era that when the Doctor regenerates, they stretch out their arms like a crucifixion as they're literally reborn into a new person He has been described[...]
Doctor Who
The Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) mentions he'd visited the Villengard Corporation before and destroyed them once and for all They made sonic blasters, which are weapons Captain Jack mentioned, and that's probably the least terrible thing they manufactured Villengard was mentioned in one of the Eleventh Doctor video games when Moffat was showrunner, and in the[...]
Doctor Who: Christopher Eccleston Won’t Play The Doctor on TV Again
To many fans, Christopher Eccleston will always be Doctor Who, and now he's about to star in another Science Fiction classic: a new BBC Radio 4 adaptation of The Man Who Fell to Earth, adapted from the novel by Walter Tevis, who also wrote the original novels which became the Paul Newman movie The Hustler,[...]
Doctor Who: the Doctor is Incomplete Without the TARDIS
The production had a larger standing set for the TARDIS, so the interior got bigger; the Ninth and Tenth Doctors (Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant) got a semi-organic coral design that was otherwise no-nonsense and practical. Then it changed into a cozier, almost homey design for the Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) and a darker, more steampunk design for[...]
Doctor Who: Looking Back at the 2005 Revival That Changed Everything
But when you have Christopher Eccleston (Ninth Doctor) & Billie Piper (Rose) pairing up at a convention panel to field some questions, we're definitely going to take a break from the norm Especially when Eccleston is asked what it would take for him to return as the Ninth Doctor in front of the camera for[...]
Doctor Who: Diving into the Rabbit Hole of Sonic Screwdriver Toys
Or should that be a wormhole? Man, it's deep! "Doctor Who" still: BBC It seems the most popular sonic screwdriver continues to be the one used by the Ninth (Christopher Eccleston) and Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) It's loved not just by David Tennant fans but also overall fans of the show and a whole cult that admire its[...]
Doctor Who: Revisiting Series 8, Moffat's Most Flawed Doctor
The Eleventh Doctor didn't have the immediate warmth and friendliness of Christopher Eccleston's Northern working-class jokiness or Tennant's gleeful Mockney smart alec or Smith's gawky kindness This Doctor starts out his life with an identity crisis: what kind of Doctor was he? Was he kind? Was he a soldier? Was he a leader? He was[...]
Doctor Who: Doom’s Day
"Extraction" is the fifth part of the story, where she takes on multiple jobs that all turn out to be linked together, and along the way, she encounters both the Second Doctor (Patrick Troughton) and the Ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) Alas, neither is the Doctor she needs to find. "Extraction" features all the fan service you[...]
Where the previous showrunners were happy to play up Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, Matt Smith, and Peter Capaldi as sexy and sexual characters, Jodie Whittaker had been playing her as Ace all along, ever since her first season before the romance began Asexuality means having no sexual desire at all but does not preclude feeling[...]
Doctor Who: Looking Back at the 2005 Revival That Changed Everything
Christopher Eccleston was and remains the most naturalistic and adult Doctor His air of no-nonsense Northern working-class sass made the character a more relatable, grounded hero He didn't wear the odd, anachronistic costumes of the previous Doctors or the ones that would succeed him His crewcut, black leather jacket, and black pants made him look[...]
doctor who
So it's kinda appropriate that we mentioned the long-running BBC series earlier because if there's one person who tends to lean towards the latter when it comes to the British monarchy? Yeah, it would be safe to say it's our Ninth Doctor, Christopher Eccleston. Image: BBC/HBO Max Just so there's no confusion, Eccleston hasn't made it a[...]
Doctor Who: Multiple Doctors Meet in Compilation Video at last
McCoy was flailing a bit, relying on his training as a clown as he tried to find his character in an utterly generic placeholder script for which even new script editor Andrew Cartmel had no enthusiasm. The Rescuer The Eight Doctor (Paul McGann) doesn't get a look-in here, so the Ninth (Christopher Eccleston) was the first new[...]
Doctor Who  Once and Future: Audio Drama Celebrates 60th Anniversary
Big Finish marks the 60th Anniversary of Doctor Who with a mammoth eight-part full-cast audio drama series beginning in May 2023. Doctor Who: Once and Future stars Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, Christopher Eccleston, and David Tennant, with dozens more guest casts still to be revealed. Image: Big Finish Screencap "There will never come a[...]
Doctor Who: Only Three Times The Doctor Met Another Doctor?
Christopher Eccleston had adventures before he met Rose (Billie Piper) in his first season, and those are being explored in Big Finish audio dramas Tennant has also been happy to star in additional stories with companions Rose and Donna in new Big Finish stories set during their time on the show Jo Martin deserves an entire[...]
Doctor Who TV Movie Producer Reveals Awful Rejected TV Series Pitch
Davies' hit 2005 revival starring Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper. "Doctor Who TV Movie" still, BBC. In a recent interview with the Radio Times about Doctor Who Am I, a new documentary about the TV movie, its producer Philip Segal talked about his pitch for the TV series that would have starred Paul McGann as the Eighth[...]
Christopher Eccleston and BIllie Piper, "Doctor Who", BBC Studios
Nope, this time we're checking in with Ninth Doctor Christopher Eccleston because we love just how much he appears to be enjoying discussing his run while on the convention circuit This time around, we have two clips from this past weekend's Emerald City Comic Con to pass along that are worth checking out (thanks to[...]
BCTV Daily Dispatch
Our line-up of news, reviews, opinions, commentary, and everything in-between for this morning covered a wide range of topics, including Stranger Things 4 star Jamie Campbell Bower sincerely apologizing for Vecna's actions, Ninth Doctor Christopher Eccleston revealing his Doctor Who 60th-anniversary plans, Disney's Ms Marvel Co-Creator/EP Sana Amanat revealing earlier "mutation" plans, Adult Swim's Genndy[...]
Doctor Who: Christopher Eccleston Reveals 60th Anniversary Plans
And now, another piece of the anniversary puzzle is falling into place, with Christopher Eccleston aka the Ninth Doctor announcing at a fan event that he's recorded an audio drama for the anniversary with none other than veteran actor David Warner (too many projects to list, but Time Bandits will always be a favorite) Warner[...]
Doctor Who: Eccleston Returns for 2nd Series of Audio Dramas
Christopher Eccleston's Ninth Doctor is back to make new friends and foes in a brand-new box set of Doctor Who audio dramas, released today by Big Finish Productions The Ninth Doctor's second series of audio adventures begins with three emotional stories that examine what it means to be human During these Earthbound travels, the Time[...]
Doctor Who: Christopher Eccleston Won’t Play The Doctor on TV Again
One Doctor who hasn't given a definitive answer about a return to the TARDIS for the celebration is Christopher Eccleston But if he does return? The actor makes it clear that he's not interested in sharing any screen time with his previous selves. Image: BBC Thanks to the folks at Doctor Who TV, we learned that Eccleston[...]
Doctor Who: Eccleston Returns for 2nd Series of Big Finish Audio
Big Finish Productions announced today that the second series of  Doctor Who – The Ninth Doctor Adventures starring Christopher Eccleston, will be released throughout 2022 and into 2023.  Last year, Big Finish announced the 9th Doctor's return to Doctor Who, with his inaugural series of full-cast audio dramas currently delighting audiences and critics alike Now, Christopher[...]
Doctor Who: Christopher Eccleston Won’t Play The Doctor on TV Again
However, Christopher Eccleston has already said it was unlikely that he would return to play the 9th Doctor, the one who relaunched the show back in 2005 The Radio Times reported that during a Q&A at Dragon Con, Eccleston said a 60th-anniversary return was "doubtful", saying "my relationship with the BBC over Doctor Who has[...]
doctor who
If you thought Christopher Eccleston sounded like he was having fun returning as the Ninth Doctor for his first volume of audio drama adventures, just wait until you see what he and the fine folks at Big Finish Productions have in store in the second volume of Doctor Who – The Ninth Doctor Adventures Set[...]
Doctor Who: Christopher Eccleston to Return in More Audio Dramas
Christopher Eccleston will return as the 9th Doctor in the second volume of Doctor Who – The Ninth Doctor Adventures from Big Finish Productions This follows the release this week of the first volume of 3 audio drama adventures Due for release in August 2021, Respond to All Calls takes the TARDIS's phone panel message[...]
David Tennant and Billie Piper in "Doctor Who", BBC Studios
For those asking, Desert Island Discs is a long-running half-hour BBC radio show where guests are invited to talk about their lives and careers in between playing the songs they would take with them on a desert island. David Tennant and Billie Piper in "Doctor Who", BBC Studios Piper played Rose Tyler from 2005 to 2006, starring[...]
doctor who
With Christopher Eccleston's return as the Ninth Doctor in a series of new Doctor Who audio dramas set for next month, Big Finish has a rather interesting follow-up to their release of the official audio trailer/preview for Doctor Who – The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Ravagers In the clip below, Eccleston answers a number of questions[...]
doctor who
Earlier this month, Doctor Who fans learned the details behind Christopher Eccleston's return as the Ninth Doctor in a series of new audio dramas from Big Finish Now, they're getting a chance to hear Eccleston himself in the just-released trailer for Doctor Who – The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Ravagers. Set to release in May 2021, the audio[...]
Doctor Who star Jodie Whittaker offers a message for 2021. (Image: BBC screencap)
The 21st Century Doctors were even more modern archetypes: Christopher Eccleston was the Doctor as a no-nonsense Northerner; David Tennant was the sexy geek smart-aleck; Matt Smith as the geek with an old man's soul; Peter Capaldi as cranky woke granddad Think of the different archetypes and personality types there are out there for a[...]
Christopher Eccleston, the Doctor Who Got Away, Returns in Audio
Christopher Eccleston played the 9th Doctor in Russell T Davies' revival of Doctor Who back in 2005 Amidst widespread skepticism and snobbish dismissal in some mainstream circles, the show was a big hit and started the ball rolling to turn into a global pop phenomenon, especially by the time David Tennant took over as the[...]
Christopher Eccleston TV Doctor Who Return "When Hell Freezes Over"
Christopher Eccleston stopped off in a car park to appear with Lorraine Kelly on Lorraine on ITV this morning to promote homeless Big Issue sellers during the lockdown, encouraging people to subscribe to Big Issue over Christmas, with individual subscriptions linked to individual vendors But he also talked about returning to the role of the[...]