This year's critically acclaimed, genre-defying anime series, DAN DA DAN, will return for Season 2 on Crunchyroll this July 2025 for the summer anime season. Season 2 of DAN DA DAN is set to launch into a new chapter following the shocking cliffhanger that capped off the first season Or, you know, you could read the manga to[...]
Dan Da Dan Archives
The tenth installment of Crunchyroll's Dan Da Dan, "Have You Ever Seen a Cattle Mutilation?" was a fun chapter that kept ahold of my heart due to its waves of wholesomeness (once you get past the jaw-dropping moments) and characters who are relatable even within their fantastical universe After managing to defeat the aliens and[...]
The eighth and ninth episodes of Crunchyroll's Dan Da Dan, "I've Got This Funny Feeling" and "Merge! Serpo Dover Demon Nessie!" were a perfect twosome of episodes to watch together Every week, this anime series continues to blow my mind with its beautiful aesthetics and the twists and turns it takes It is so fun[...]
Crunchyroll's most recent episode of Dan Da Dan, "To a Kinder World," was a beautifully written art piece The way the story developed with barely any words and managed to tug at all the heartstrings was truly impressive This episode had me bawling as the backstories were rolled out in some very impactful ways.
The episode[...]
Crunchyroll's Dan Da Dan Season 1 Episode 6: "A Dangerous Woman Arrives" was yet another rollercoaster ride of teenagers, hormones, and spirits The site has kept its fun throughout so far, as well as good pacing, dialogue, and storytelling The characters feel very real and relatable within the universe we are presented with – but[...]
The fifth episode of Crunchyroll's Dan Da Dan, "Like, Where Are Your Balls?", perfectly represented being awkward and an overthinker The episode was fun and full of color—a rollercoaster of emotions and constant laughter with top-notch animation I am not going to lie, I was about to feel a little annoyed by how much Momo[...]
Crunchyroll's Dan Da Dan Episode 3: "It's a Granny vs Granny Clash!" and Episode 4: "Kicking Turbo Granny's Ass" were incredibly fun We get to meet a new character – while Momo and Okarun must put their egos aside So far, this is one of my favorite anime this season From animation to story to[...]
Crunchyroll's Dan Da Dan Season 1 Episode 2: "That's a Space Alien, Ain't It?!" was a fantastic follow-up to the series opener The art and animation are stunning, and the writing and music are wonderful complements In just two episodes, I have come to invest in our main characters, and I am looking forward to[...]
Crunchyroll's DAN DA DAN opener, "That's How Love Starts, Ya Know!" was a fantastic start I was not quite sure what to expect, but it was funny, creepy, and very much enjoyable From animation to pacing, it was definitely entertaining I am so glad I added this anime to my seasonal Crunchyroll Must-Watch list It[...]
Wacky off-the-wall, coming-of-age science fiction and horror anime series DAN DA DAN is hitting the Crunchyroll this October 2024 where it will be simulcast from Japan on Crunchyroll worldwide, excluding Asia, with new episodes every week What could be cooler than ghosts or aliens? Why, a series about both ghosts and aliens together! That's two[...]