games Archives

Sony Were Initially Worried About The Female Lead In Horizon: Zero Dawn
Games have become more and more popular in terms of who plays, especially in terms of mobile We have a chance to further increase the reach, from a PlayStation standpoint, to a bigger more diverse audience In order for us to do that, the games we create have to appeal to a broader audience. I absolutely[...]
Batman: Arkham Knight Is Having A Rough Time On PC
Batman: Arkham Knight is definitely one of the most anticipated games this year The prospect of seeing Rocksteady finish their Batman trilogy has had a lot of people salivating. It seems a lot of PC users aren't having a good time though The game is reportedly being hit with all manner of bugs and frame rate[...]
Microsoft Say That Phantom Dust Isn't Cancelled But No One Is Working On It Either
It was a little remembered franchise, so seeing Microsoft go whole hog into it with a new game was pretty surprising. Then things went south pretty fast as developer Darkside Games was abruptly pulled from the project, causing them to close Ever since then, what's happening with the project has been shrouded in secret. We finally have[...]
The PlayStation 4 Getting A 1 Terabyte Console Very Soon
A 500GB hard drive just isn't big enough for the size of next generation games if you play more than a handful of games. That is why it is unsurprising that Sony have now announced that they are following suit The company announced the new PlayStation 4 today, which will come with a 1TB hard drive, will[...]
PlayStation Release Trailer Showcasing Upcoming Vita Games
At least it is a great little machine for great indie games That is at least one niche it has filled. The Vita got one solitary mention during the Sony E3 Press conference, but I'd be surprised if you remembered It was name dropped alongside World of Final Fantasy, which is also coming to PlayStation 4. Sony[...]
E3 2015 Game Of The Show Winner: Abzu
So this was unexpected, just as much for me as it probably is for you. This year's E3 has everyone I know somewhat excited about AAA games again It seems like there was a genuine effort by most publishers to offer something different and lord knows I was pretty excited about most of what was shown[...]
E3 2015 Game Of The Show Nomination: Horizon: Zero Dawn
One things that was entirely clear though was that Guerrilla Games had talent Their work with visual and art direction was always on point and there was no better example of this than Killzone: Shadow Fall That game was gorgeous on a lot of levels, it just really struggled to capture, at least my imagination[...]
E3 2015 Game Of The Show Nomination: Star Wars: Battlefront
The core concept is the same, which is to say the games are about putting you in the middle of Star Wars battlefields and having you fight against a ton of other foot soldiers, making this about the fight and not the indiviual (Well, until you get the chance to play as Luke Skywalker or[...]
E3: Rainbow Six Siege Multiplayer Hands-On
In a classic return to the original games you know and love, this installment features one-shot, one-kills and fast-paced deaths As a result, Siegecan only be played as a strategic game that requires a lot of cooperation between team members. If running and gunning is what you want, maybe you should try your hand at something less[...]
E3: Hands-On with King's Quest: A Knight to Remember (See What They Did There?)
From Brandon Gerson Of Nerdy Show, for Bleeding Cool, King's Quest is where the modern incarnation of adventure/ puzzle games began The series was created by Sierra in the golden age of adventure games back in 1984 for PC and became and instant legend This led to many sequels, some even more impressive than previous titles[...]
E3 2015 Game Of The Show Nomination: Fallout 4
This is one of the most anticipated titles in years, and had almost begun to take on a mythical status in the games community Maybe not Half-Life 3 levels, but certainly on par with The Last Guardian…which, obviously re-emerged this year too. And to top all of that off, it's going to be in our hands[...]
Dark Souls 3 Has Been In Development Over Multiple Years
These games seem like things of immense care Rushing one out in a year doesn't sound like it would be a good experience for anyone involved. When Dark Souls 3 was announced for early next year, it raised some eyebrows With Bloodborne only out in March, how could From Software have the time to put[...]
The New Hitman Game Will Launch 'Unfinished'
That's something you can only do in the live world. We're not an Early Access game because Early Access games are unfinished by definition – you're part of the development Everything we ship on December 8 will be completely finished, it will be a very polished experience It's also going to be a very big game[...]