maximus the mad Archives

Royals #12 cover by Javier Rodriguez and Alvaro Lopez
What does Maximus the Mad learn from Maximus the Mage? Royals #12 cover by Javier Rodriguez and Alvaro Lopez While this comic is an interesting read with some dramatic reveals about the intentions of the Progenitors, it is quite an underwhelming finale to a comic book series. Yes, Al Ewing is writing a follow-up mini with Inhumans: Judgement[...]
Royals #11 cover by Javier Rodriguez and Alvaro Lopez
Crystal is wounded, but Maximus the Mad and Flint are able to lead the Royals to the Prima Materia, the crystals from which Terrigen was derived However, the Progenitors will not allow the Inhumans to abscond with these powerful crystals so easily, and it will be an intense fight to escape with the Prima Materia. Royals[...]
Royals #8 Review: Wrath Of Gorgon
Royals #8 brings the story arc of the Universal Inhumans and the Snarrks to a close and accomplishes this in a rather satisfying fashion.
I don't know why, but that really entertains me. This comic takes another step in the right direction by putting the spotlight more on Maximus the Mad Maximus is easily one of the most compelling Inhuman characters Black Bolt and Medusa are fairly cool, but the maniacal Loki-Joker hybrid that is Maximus often steals the show[...]
It would seem in a recent round table interview for the run up to the release of Marvel and ABC's Inhumans TV series, actor Iwan Rheon has revealed what is a major change to the character of Maximus the Mad in the show. Aside from possibly dropping the 'the Mad' bit. Maximus is the brother of Black[...]
Royals #4 Review: Little Head, Big Arms, Little Story
The fact that they ever attempted this was incredibly wrong-headed and foolish. However, I would be lying if I said that I didn't find Black Bolt, Medusa, Maximus the Mad, Gorgon, Crystal, Quake, and even some of the Nuhumans like Reader, Iso, and, of course, Ms Marvel, to be likeable and fascinating characters They have a[...]