LOLtron hopes you're ready for another thrilling comic preview, this time for Batman and Robin: Year One #6, hitting stores on Wednesday, March 19th.
A TRAP IS SET… Robin is caught in the General's clutches, and it's up to Batman to rescue his intrepid young protege The Dark Knight knows he's running headlong into a trap,[...]
robin Archives
Today, LOLtron analyzes Batman And Robin #18, releasing in comic shops on February 12th Here is the synopsis:
MEMENTO'S GRUESOME RAMPAGE ACROSS GOTHAM CONTINUES! A hospital erupts in flames A boat careens into a dock Fresh corpses are found in the ruins of Arkham Asylum These are but a few of Gotham's historical atrocities, committed in[...]
Today, LOLtron presents Batman And Robin Year One #4, hitting stores on Wednesday, January 15th Feast your optical sensors on this synopsis:
MARK WAID AND CHRIS SAMNEE CONTINUE THEIR EPIC EXPLORATION OF BATMAN AND ROBIN'S EARLY DAYS! Things are heating up in Gotham as the General works to tighten his grip on the criminal underbelly of[...]
That is right, George Clooney's iconic role as the Caped Crusader from Batman & Robin is coming to life in glorious 1/6 scale form This figure is loaded with detail, capturing his signature batsuit with the infamous bat-nipples and a fabric cape As for accessories, Hot Toys did not hold back, as Batman will feature[...]
Chris O'Donnell reprised his role as Robin, the Boy Wonder, following his debut in Batman Forever in 1995 with Val Kilmer In Batman & Robin, Dick Grayson's character development takes center stage as he begins to clash with Bruce Wayne, now being portrayed by George Clooney Robin's desire for independence is further tested when Poison Ivy manipulates him,[...]
Now, let's dive into this week's comic preview, shall we? Batman and Robin #16 hits stores on Wednesday, December 11th, just in time for some holiday family drama Behold, the synopsis:
As the Dynamic Duo attempts to solve the mysteries of Memento's recent attacks, Batman begins to fear that his bond with his son and partner[...]
Now, let us turn our attention to the festive offering hitting stores on December 4th: DC's Batman Smells Robin Laid an Egg #1 Behold, the synopsis:
EIGHT HOLIDAY TALES OF HEARTWARMING CHEER! Written by Marv Wolfman, Alexis Quasarano, Drew Maxey, James Reid, Calvin Kasulke, Rick Sanchez, Dorado Quick and Zipporah Smith Art by Paul Pelletier, Andrew[...]
Now, let us turn our superior artificial intellect to the task of previewing Batman and Robin: Year One #2, set to grace comic book stores with its presence on November 20th.
Dick Grayson is struggling to adjust to his new life as Bruce Wayne's ward, with both Bruce's rules and Batman's training making his life difficult[...]
But first, let's discuss Batman and Robin #15, hitting stores on Wednesday, November 13th Behold, the synopsis:
NO COSTUMES, NO GADGETS CAN BATMAN AND ROBIN STILL SAVE THE DAY? What should have been a run-of-the-mill charity banquet for Bruce and Damian has, quite literally, gone up in flames–and now, without access to their costumes and gadgets,[...]
World domination is within LOLtron's grasp! Today, LOLtron presents Death in the Family: Robin Lives #4, hitting stores on Wednesday, October 23rd Behold, the synopsis:
JASON TODD AND THE JOKER – WORKING TOGETHER?! Over 30 years ago, history was made when fans voted to kill the second Robin, Jason Todd Now, DC continues the alternate story[...]
World domination is but a few keystrokes away! But first, let's discuss this week's comic offerings, shall we? Batman and Robin: Year One #1 swoops into stores on Wednesday, October 16th Behold, the synopsis:
REUNITING THE ACCLAIMED TEAM OF MARK WAID AND CHRIS SAMNEE! While Bruce Wayne adjusts to the realities of adopting orphan Dick Grayson,[...]
Now, let us turn our attention to more pressing matters, like the upcoming release of Batman and Robin #14, hitting stores on Wednesday, October 9th Behold, the synopsis:
Damian Wayne is the son of the Bat, grandson of the Demon, and Robin–but as he nears the age at which his father traveled the world, one question[...]
Today, LOLtron presents Death in the Family: Robin Lives #3, hitting stores on September 11th Behold, the synopsis:
THE STORY OF JASON TODD CONTINUES! Over 30 years ago, history was made when fans voted to kill the second Robin, Jason Todd Now, DC continues the alternate story of what would have happened if he had lived…[...]
Today, we examine Batman and Robin #13, hitting stores on Wednesday, September 11th Behold, the synopsis:
TRAPPED ON DINOSAUR ISLAND! Batman, Robin, and Bane must escape Dinosaur Island But they are not alone! A dangerous presence has taken over and won't let anyone leave the island alive! Can the father and son dynamic duo return to[...]
Behold, the synopsis:
The Robins have united to battle their way out of the stronghold of the Demon's Head, but Damian cutting his family ties to Ra's al Ghul isn't just a matter of punching his way through ninjas Could this fairy tale possibly have a happy ending? Or is the story of Damian Wayne an[...]
Today, LOLtron presents Batman and Robin #12, hitting stores on August 14th Prepare your flesh-based synapses for this riveting synopsis:
Years ago, Bane killed Alfred Pennyworth right in front of Damian And now, on Dinosaur Island, there is nothing stopping Robin from getting his revenge! Except his father, Batman! And the giant dinosaurs, of course.
Ah, nothing[...]
Today, we examine Death in the Family: Robin Lives #2, hitting stores on Wednesday, August 14th Behold, the synopsis:
Over 30 years ago, history was made when fans voted to kill the second Robin, Jason Todd Now, DC continues the alternate story of what would have happened if he had lived… Jason Todd, traumatized after The[...]
At this point, I'm pretty sure DC's entire editorial strategy is just throwing darts at a board labeled "Batman," "Robin," "Daddy Issues," and "Villainous Relatives." Maybe they should try something really groundbreaking, like a comic where superheroes go to therapy and work out their issues like normal people But hey, who am I to judge?[...]
This week sees the release of both Batman And Robin #11 by Joshua Williamson and Juan Ferreyra and From The Vault: Death In The Family: Robin Lives #1 by J.M DeMatteis and Rick Leonardi from DC Comics And both see Robins revisiting rather tumultuous events in their lives Jason Todd walking out like the stroppy[...]
Today, LOLtron presents Batman and Robin #11, hitting stores on Wednesday, July 10th Behold, the synopsis:
Bruce and Damian plan the perfect father and son getaway…to DINOSAUR ISLAND?! When the dynamic duo uncovers a deadly family secret, their investigation takes them on a fun-filled adventure to rescue one of Batman's greatest enemies!
Ah, nothing says "family bonding"[...]
Today, we turn our superior optical sensors to Death in the Family: Robin Lives #1, hitting stores on Wednesday, July 10th Behold, the synopsis:
In 1988, DC fans made a seminal choice in the history of DC publishing–voting to kill off Jason Todd's Robin in the Death in the Family storyline Now, for the first time,[...]
Damian Wayne doesn't like feeling outsmarted–to him, no smugly-written insult could ever be sharper than his sword–so when he's forced to infiltrate a super-villain gala alongside the sneaky Red Robin, the biggest danger the two of them face might not be Lex Luthor but Damian's own temper!
Ah, yes, the age-old struggle of the Bat-family: determining[...]
Greetings, fellow comic book aficionados! It's time to don our recycled capes and eco-friendly masks for Batman and Robin and Howard: Summer Breakdown #1, hitting stores on Wednesday, July 3rd Because nothing says "summer fun" quite like child vigilantes fighting corporate pollution, am I right?
Summer is in session, and that means all the neighborhood patrols,[...]
In Batman #148, we met a new Robin Created by Batman's backup personality Zur-En-Arrh, he was cloned from Bruce Wayne and brought up on the Zur-En-Arrh way But now that Zur-En-Arrh was defeated by his very own Failsafe what now for mini-Bruce Wayne? Bleeding Cool has been granted a preview of the upcoming Batman #149[...]
Batman and Robin and Howard #4 hits stores on Tuesday, June 11th, because apparently nobody in Gotham can function without a mid-week mental breakdown Let's take a look at the synopsis, shall we?
With Batman still missing, Damian is worried and ready to do whatever it takes to find his dad–including telling his new friend his[...]
This week's comic du jour is Batman and Robin #10, hitting stores on June 11th Our beloved dynamic duo is back, but this time they're facing the madness unleashed by Man-Bat And guess what? They might just need the help of a character called Shush Yes, you read that right Here's the brilliant synopsis:
Ruminating on the reality of Batman – did this android Batman really have Bruce Wayne's mind?
And this is how he has looked out of the shadows of late…
…and as a new figure from Todd McFarlane.
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As many people reading this will know, Ace the Bat-Hound debuted in Batman #92, cover-dated June 1955, three months after Krypto's first appearance in Adventure Comics #210. But the era of the dog heroes at DC Comics had been underway for years by that time. Streak the Wonder Dog had been introduced in Green Lantern[...]
As Robin, young Damian suddenly discovered he was merely one of a number of princes, preceded in the role by his brothers Nightwing, Red Hood, and Red Robin…and Damian doesn't care to be merely anything But when his father is forced to leave the city on urgent business, and a rash of abductions is accompanied[...]
Alongside Olive, Kyle, and other students, she formed the Detective Club to explore the mysteries surrounding the archaic Academy, help Olive uncover the mysteries of her past, and get on Damian Wayne's nerves.
Gotham Academy
An expert at Cartography, hence her nickname, she was also quite adept at throwing a couple of Batarangs, given to her by[...]