sue vertue Archives

A look at Mycroft and Sherlock (Image: BBC)
After soliciting questions from the Twitterverse earlier in the day, Steven Moffat, Mark Gatiss, and Sue Vertue took the time to answer ten questions selected by the video panels host/moderator, Louis Moffat. A look at Mycroft and Sherlock (Image: BBC) Over the course of ten questions, the trio cover a lot of ground when it comes to[...]
PBS Cut 24 Minutes From Series 2 Of Sherlock To Make Room For Adverts
Speaking to The Independent, executive producer Sue Vertue had this to say: We had to cut eight minutes The PBS episodes have to be 82 minutes because of sponsors announcements It breaks your heart We try to cut the bits which aren't essential to the story but they are often the lovely character scenes We'll see[...]