The Pokémon Company International has unveiled the remaining cards from the special Detective Pikachu expansion for the Pokémon Trading Card Game.
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This morning during their Pokémon Direct feed, Nintendo unveiled Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield, two new games for the Nintendo Switch.
Not a fan of the Pokémon GO team you're on anymore? Tired of always winning and would like to be the underdog for a change? Now you can trade teams! The Pokemon Company announced this week that a new update will allow you to trade teams if you so desire, starting at 1pm PST on February[...]
Earlier this week, several homeowners filed a class action lawsuit against Pokemon Go creator Niantic for the placement of several PokeStops and Gyms.
Niantic appears to be teasing the missing Gen 2 Pokemon Smeargle for Pokemon Go, which means we might finally have the whole Gen 2 roster in-game.
Pokemon Go players will be able to hunt down special shiny versions of legendary pokemon Meltan for a limited time during the Lunar New Year.
Pokémon Go is celebrating its Community Day event this week, which means certain Pokemon are going to spawn more frequently in-game.
The original Pokémon games were programmed using hex codes for a number of things, from inventorying all items, Pokémon, and moves to individual EV stats.
According to a recent Tweet from The Pokémon Company, Pokémon: Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee have broken the Switch's first week sales record.
Pokémon Funko Pops are finally coming. The first will of course be Pikachu, but to catch Pikachu you have to go to Target!
Niantic Labs is going to be adding new ways to hang out with your friends in Pokémon GO, with a friends list, as well as trading and gifting.
Following the announcement of Nintendo's new Pokemon titles this week, share prices in the company skyrocketed. Both Pokemon Let's Go: Pikachu and Pokemon Let's Go: Eevee were announced just two days ago, alongside some details on the Pokemon Switch RPG.
Two new Pokémon games are heading to the Nintendo Switch this November, as Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee take you back to Kanto to collect all 151 original Pokémon!
According to the latest possible leaks, it appears that the next major Pokémon title -- the one coming to the Nintendo Switch -- will return the series to the original Kanto Region. The rumors started thanks to posts on image board 4chan.
Niantic Labs has partnered up with Mission Blue and Playmob for their upcoming Earth Day event for Pokemon Go, which encourages players to try and make the world a greener place.
A couple new additions were thrown into the mix for Pokémon Sun and Moon as you now have two new options for free legendary creatures to catch in the form of Entei and Raikou.
Yes today might be Easter Sunday, but it is also April 1st, meaning that the video game dev gags are in full swing. Niantic Labs have gotten in on the fun this year by running Pokémon Go in 8-bit graphics to give you that retro feel.
In case you'd like to dive into the world of Detective Pikachu before playing the game, The Pokémon Company has decided to give you a taste of the world for free on Amazon.
Washington State TV station KATU has reported that two Pokémon Go players were assaulted at Vancouver's Burnt Bridge Creek Trail over a gym battle.
Today is Pokémon Day, and what better way to celebrate the franchise than with an episode of BC Games Chatter? Pokémon turns 22 this year, and it's more of a cultural icon than ever.
The Pokemon Company has announced that Pokemon Day 2018 will take place on February 27, 2018 This time around, we're getting some unusual new goodies to play around with like new Pokemon snapchat lenses and Pikachu Talk for google Home and Alexa.
February 27th will mark the 22nd anniversary of Pokemon Red and Green's launch in[...]
Niantic Labs has released a new event for Pokémon Go this weekend that features Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire's Kyogre, Groudon, and Rayquaza. The event, called Legendary Week, will run from today through March 5th.
Pokémon Go is adding a trio of new outfits players can buy, but these have a new twist: You have to earn them first. The new outfits — Jogger, Battle Girl, and Fisherman — require players to earn corresponding medals in-game.
The Pokémon Company has dropped a serial code for the Mythical Pokémon Arceus into the February issue of CoroCoro Comic that released today in Japan so Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon players can finally get their hands on the mythic Pokémon.
The Pokemon Company announced today that Detective Pikachu would finally be making its way out of Japan later this year.
Detective Pikachu is going to focus the of the upcoming Pokemon movie, which was always a pretty surprising turn of events Mostly, that was because the character had only turned up once before[...]
The Pokemon Company has said to Famitsu (via that across their 76 titles (!), they have sold 300 million copies That's just 23 million short of every single person in the US buying a Pokemon game Somehow, this number doesn't include Pokemon Go either, which was downloaded a whole bunch. The recent release of Ultra[...]
Attemdees of Pikachu Outbreak events in Japan have come across Shiny Pikachu, which means shiny Raichu is also available in game.
The Pokémon Company have stepped in and "requested" that the mods behind Pixelmon stop their service, which it appears they are complying with.
Pokémon Go and developer Niantic Labs have partnered wirh UK organization Big Heritage to set up a series of events in the city of Chester.
Nintendo has announced that they'll be sharing some Pokemon mews with us tomorrow morning in a special Pokemon Direct presentation.