tornadus Archives

Therian Tornadus Raid Guide for Pokémon GO: Road to Unova
Today's raid guide for Pokémon GO players will help you assemble a team to take down Therian Forme Tornadus, who will have a stint as the Tier Five Raid Boss Let's get into it. Therian Forme Tornadus in Pokémon GO Credit: Niantic Top Therian Forme Tornadus Counters Pokebattler, which calculates all possible combinations of Pokémon and moves, lists[...]
Incarnate Tornadus Raid Guide for Pokémon GO: Shared Skies
We will see Guzzlord, Nihilego, Celesteela, Kartana, Stakataka, Blacephalon, Buzzwole, Pheromosa, Xurkitree, Articuno, and Incarnate Forme Tornadus in Tier Five Raids while Mega Swampert and Mega Aggron return to Mega Raids In addition to that, we will see Shadow Entei get its chance to shine in Shadow Raids during weekends Today's raid guide for Pokémon[...]
Therian Formes & More Return to Pokémon GO Raids in 2024
I personally recommend an app like Poke Genie, which allows you to befriend Trainers from outside your region specifically looking for people to help them Raid. Please note that none of these Ultra Beasts are new to the game, and they cannot yet be encountered in their Shiny forms. January 10th – January 17th: Therian Forme Tornadus[...]
Incarnate Tornadus Raid Guide for Pokémon GO Players: March 2023
Incarnate Forme Tornadus has arrived in Pokémon GO to kick off the Season of Rising Heroes Let's take a look at the top counters to help trainers take down Incarnate Forme Tornadus, a pure Flying-type, which can be encountered in its Shiny form during this raid rotation With this Raid Guide, you can prepare a[...]
Tonight is Incarnate Tornadus Raid Hour in Pokémon GO: March 2023
Tonight is Incarnate Forme Tornadus Raid Hour in Pokémon GO That means that the pure Flying-type Legendary from the Forces of Nature trio has taken the place of Rayquaza just in time for tonight's event From 6 PM – 7 PM tonight, March 1st, Incarnate Forme Tornadus kicks off a week-long stay by taking over[...]
Tonight is Therian Tornadus Raid Hour in Pokémon GO: March 2022
Tonight is Therian Forme Tornadus Raid Hour in Pokémon GO From 6 PM through 7 PM, most of the gyms in the game will be taken over by Tier Five raids featuring this Legendary Pokémon which will have its Shiny available for the first time It may be quite a busy raid hour, as a[...]
Therian Tornadus Raid Guide for Pokémon GO Players: March 2022
As of today, Therian Forme Tornadus can be Shiny in Pokémon GO This special Forme of Tornadus returns to Tier Five raids today as part of the Festival of Colors event, which also introduces the new Alolan species Oricorio This event has quite a strong raid rotation with the newly released and Shiny-capable Rockruff still holding[...]
Therian Tornadus Raid Guide for Pokémon GO Players: March 2022
It will be replaced by Therian Forme Tornadus, a pure Flying-type Legendary Pokémon, which will return to Tier Five raids… along with its Shiny release With this Raid Guide, you can prepare a team to take on this Legendary Pokémon, perfect your catching strategy, and perhaps even catch a Shiny. Therian Tornadus in Pokémon GO[...]
Pokémon GO Countdown: 6 Days Until GO Fest 2021
This guide will focus on Wind Hour: Therian Forme Tornadus (Incarnate Forme Tornadus will not be appearing.) Therian Formes in Pokémon GO Credit: Niantic Top 10 Counters Overall: Shadow Raikou: Thunder Shock, Wild Charge Shadow Zapdos: Thunder Shock, Thunderbolt Shadow Electivire: Thunder Shock, Wild Charge Mega Manectric: Charge Beam, Wild Charge Zekrom: Charge Beam, Wild Charge Therian Forme Thundurus: Volt Switch, Thunderbolt Shadow Magnezone: Spark,[...]
Incarnate Tornadus Raid Guide in Pokémon GO: April 2021
Tomorrow, Incarnate Forme Tornadus will storm back into raids in Pokémon GO, where it will be featured along with Landorus and Thundurus The meta of this game is constantly shifting, so let's take another look at the top counters to use against this pure Flying-type Legendary Pokémon With this raid guide, you'll be able to[...]
Pokémon GO Spring into Spring 2021 Event Review
Tonight is Therian Forme Tornadus Raid Hour in Pokémon GO As the second Raid Hour for Therian Forme Tornadus Raid Hour this month, Pokémon trainers may have noticed a drop-off in interest for these raids This has been happening a lot with species that have no Shiny released who are in Pokémon GO raids for longer than a[...]
Tonight is Therian Tornadus Raid Hour in Pokémon GO
Therian Forme Tornadus has taken over Legendary Raids in Pokémon GO It has brought with it a raid rotation mostly of Pokémon that can be used as counters against it… (though that isn't advisable with all of the species.) This rotation will be the base rotation for Tornadus's stay, and will be overwritten with new rotations[...]
Tonight is Therian Tornadus Raid Hour in Pokémon GO
Tonight is Therian Forme Tornadus Raid Hour in Pokémon GO From 6 PM through 7 PM, most of the gyms in the game will be taken over by Legendary raids featuring this powerful variant of Tornadus Here are our tips to take advantage of this Legendary Pokémon's debut. Therian Tornadus official artwork Credit: Pokémon Company International Our[...]
Theria Tornadus Raid Guide for Pokémon GO Players: March 2021
Therian Forme Tornadus arrives in Pokémon GO raids tomorrow, Tuesday, March 30th at 10 AM local time, making its in-game debut Let's take a look at the top counters to help trainers take down this a pure Flying-type With this Raid Guide, you can prepare a team to defeat on this Legendary from the Unova[...]
What’s the Difference Between Therian & Incarnate in Pokémon GO?
Starting Tuesday, Pokémon GO will begin rolling out the Therian Formes of Landorus, Tornadus, and Thundurus Players are familiar with these Pokémon but are seeing these new versions of them added to the game for the first time Let's get into what the actual difference between these versions is. Therian Formes in Pokémon GO[...]
Incarnate Thundurus Raid Guide for Pokémon GO Players: March 2021
It's Raid Hour time! Tornadus will be taking over most gyms in Pokémon GO tonight from 6 PM – 7 PM for one last hurrah, as it leaves raids tomorrow morning at 8 AM, replaced by Thundurus This Raid Hour will be a last-ditch effort for many players to catch a Shiny Tornadus before this Legendary[...]
What’s Next for 2021 Community Days in Pokémon GO
In honor of this week's Tornadus raid rotation, let's take a deep dive into this Legendary Pokémon's lore. Tornadus in Pokémon GO Credit: Niantic Dex entry number 641, Tornadus is a pure Flying-type species from the Unova Region, introduced into the world of Pokémon with Generation Five This Legendary Pokémon, unlike most Legendaries that have no gender,[...]
Tonight is Shiny Drowzee Spotlight Hour in Pokémon GO
In honor of this week's Tornadus feature in Pokémon GO raids, let's take a look back at some of the most iconic Tornadus cards from the Pokémon TCG We're covering modern and vintage here, and we'd love to hear from you as well Let us know your four favorite Tornadus cards in the comments below. Emerging[...]
Pokémon GO Season of Celebration Review: The First Season
Incarnate Forme Tornadus has taken over raids in Pokémon GO It has brought a new (and brief) raid rotation along with it, which will be active in Pokémon GO until Tuesday, March 9th, 2021 at 10 AM local time when the new Searching for Legends event begins. Tornadus in Pokémon GO[...]
Incarnate Tornadus Raid Guide for Pokémon GO Players: March 2021
Landorus leaves Pokémon GO raids tomorrow at 8 AM local time, replaced by Tornadus Let's take a look at the top counters to help trainers take down Tornadus, a pure Flying-type, which can be encountered in its Shiny form for the very first time With this Raid Guide, you can prepare a team to take[...]
Finally! Gible is the March 2021 Research Breakthrough in Pokémon GO
It seems we have to wait a bit longer for the Therian Formes of Landorus, Tornadus, and Thundurus in Pokémon GO than Niantic's announcement of the Season of Legends made it seem However, the raid rotations for March 2021 will offer three new Shiny Legendary Pokémon before Niantic drops the Therians[...]
When Will These Unreleased Unova Legendaries Come to Pokémon GO?
Just like with Giratina Altered/Origin Forme, and the various Formes of Deoxys, it is likely that these special versions of these Legendary Pokémon will receive their own raid rotation rather than allowing for an in-game transformation. The Unova Legendaries, known as the "Forces of Nature" are Thundurus, Tornadus, and Landorus Their standard Formes, known as their[...]