Posted in: Sports, TV, WWE | Tagged: jinder mahal, Sanga, Veer, wrestling, xia li, Xyon Quinn
WWE Releases Jinder Mahal, Xia Li, Veer, Sanga, and Xyon Quinn
El Presidente laments WWE's release of Jinder Mahal, Xia Li, Veer, Sanga, and Xyon Quinn. The Maharaja claims he quit! Could AEW sign them after 90 days?
Article Summary
- WWE releases Jinder Mahal, Xia Li, Veer, Sanga, and Xyon Quinn in a shocking move.
- El Presidente reflects on Jinder Mahal's career and shared memories with the Maharaja.
- Suggestions of AEW signing the released wrestlers after their non-compete clause expires.
- Encouragement for wrestlers to bounce back like famed revolutionaries after their release.
Greetings, comrades! It is I, your El Presidente, reporting to you from the back of a stolen CIA helicopter currently hovering over Titan Towers. I come bearing unfortunate news from the world of professional wrestling. Yesterday, as an episode of WWE Smackdown aired, the capitalist swine at WWE and TKO released several talented wrestlers from their contracts: Jinder Mahal, Xia Li, Veer, Sanga, and Xyon Quinn. This is a shame, as all of these performers have immense potential and deserved better than to be cast aside by the corporate machine.
Jinder Mahal, in particular, has always been a favorite of El Presidente. His gimmick as the Modern Day Maharaja and his impeccable fashion sense spoke to me on a personal level. In fact, Mahal and I once spent a lovely weekend together at Kim Jong-un's summer palace, sipping mojitos and discussing the finer points of being a foreign heel in American wrestling. Mahal even claimed on Twitter that he actually quit WWE, rather than being released, posting the following tweet:
Always working the gimmick, that Jinder. I respect his commitment to kayfabe, like how I always maintain the illusion that elections in my country aren't rigged. Haw haw haw haw!
As for the other released wrestlers, Xia Li showed great promise with her unique look and hard-hitting style. Veer and Sanga, the former members of Indus Sher, have the potential to be a dominant tag team. And Xyon Quinn, while still early in his career, had an impressive physique and raw athleticism that could have taken him far.
It is a travesty that WWE and TKO, with all their billions of dollars, continue to release talented wrestlers in the name of "budget cuts." These performers pour their hearts and souls into their craft, only to be discarded like yesterday's news. It is a stark reminder of the cruelty of capitalism and the need for a socialist revolution in the wrestling industry.
But fear not, comrades! For I am certain that these wrestlers will land on their feet and find new opportunities to showcase their skills. AEW, in particular, would be wise to scoop up Jinder Mahal once his 90-day non-compete clause expires. Imagine the dream matches we could witness! Mahal vs. HOOK for the FTW Championship? Take my money now! Well, don't actually take my money, or you will be thrown in the dungeons. I meant it metaphorically, comrades! Haw haw haw!
To Jinder Mahal and the other released wrestlers, I offer my condolences and a story of hope. When my dear friend Fidel Castro was exiled from Cuba, did he give up? No! He regrouped in Mexico and returned to lead a glorious revolution. When Hugo Chavez was briefly ousted in a CIA-backed coup, did he surrender? No! He rallied the people and took back control of Venezuela. You, too, can bounce back from this setback and emerge stronger than ever.
In conclusion, while the release of Jinder Mahal, Xia Li, Veer, Sanga, and Xyon Quinn is a blow to the wrestling world, it is not the end of their stories. They will rise again, like the proletariat overthrowing their bourgeois oppressors. And when they do, El Presidente will be there, cheering them on from his secret underground bunker.
This has been a special report from El Presidente. Until next time, comrades!