Posted in: Sports, TV, WWE | Tagged: journalistic untegrity, Otis, ryan satin, wrestling, wwe
WWE's Otis Downplays Reports He Got Sent Back to Wrestling School
WWE Smackdown star Otis pushed back against reports he and other WWE main roster big men, including Keith Lee, were sent back to remedial wrestling school after Vince McMahon "threw a fit" about how much they sucked. We'll give you one guess who facilitated this interview disputing negative coverage of WWE. Yes, you guessed it: Ryan Satin. Satin interviewed Otis for Fox Sports, where he is paid to promote Fox's WWE partnership under the guise of sports "journalism."
"Well, since (sic) you're always training, you're doing more in the ring, you're always growing," asked Satin, whose word about WWE can be trusted about as much as Rudy Giuliani's can be trusted about election fraud. "There were these reports recently that you and a few other wrestlers were made to do more training again at the PC. Was that an accurate report? Is that something that you're doing more of again?"
"I think it's always been there," said Otis, kicking off a very long answer that never actually denies the report but still manages to disparage the wrestling media as blowing things out of proportion, a notion Satin is more than happy to go along with. "It wasn't like, 'Hey, we were told this and that.' That Performance Center is a tool for us to get better. If another big man wants to come up to me and wants to work on stuff, or vice versa. We're always working."
Remember when Satin reported that Sasha Banks was lying on the floor crying after she and Bayley lost the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships the first time around? Remember how butthurt he was when WWE shills accused him of making the report up? Well, if you can't beat 'em…
"So, that report was kind of funny at the same time," Otis continued. We're never not working. Especially now that we don't have live events, so we can't really get our stuff out. It's just bottled inside in a little bottle. Right now it's like, we're not getting that stuff out there. So, we'll find more and more ways to get in the ring with each other. Which, nothing beats a crowd. That's the one thing I miss to this day is that crowd, man. Feeling that rush from there. The acceptance, you know what I mean? Especially my favorite towns. Milkwaukee? (sic) Good lord. Yeah, Milkwaukee. We're not getting that out so much."
"No, that definitely makes sense," Satin groveled. "I was also confused by it. I said the same thing on Twitter this week. There's no live events. So, training at the PC is just kind of a normal thing when you don't have live events. That made all the sense in the world to me."
"Here's what it sounds like. 'Oh, did you guys hear that they're doing weights?' To me it kind of sounded that way," said Otis, once again disparaging the report without offering a direct contradiction. "It was like, 'Yeah, we're gonna train, know what I mean?' There wasn't much of a report."
"I don't know if somebody saw somebody," Otis continued, clearly as adept at avoiding a subject as he is at wrestling. "That's, again, with my reading dyslexia, I don't even read any of the stuff on there. That's probably bad for the good stuff, but my head's always been, 'Just tell me right here,' know what I mean? I found out through my father. He told me. I go, 'Well, dad, I tell you when I'm going to the PC.' It was just one of those things where it's misinterpretation, of course, of 2020 … almost come to 2021, baby. Let's get a crowd, finally. Beat this damn virus."
Artfully dodged by Otis, and WWE/Fox are certainly getting their money's worth with Satin.