Posted in: Collectibles | Tagged: iron studios, lord of the rings
A New Breed of Orcs Arrive with New Lord of the Rings Statue
Iron Studios is back with an impressive assortment of new Art Scale statues including Lurtz, Uruk-hai Leader from Lord of the Rings
Article Summary
- Iron Studios unveils a Lurtz, Uruk-hai Leader statue from Lord of the Rings.
- The statue depicts Lurtz, created for the Fellowship of the Ring film.
- Priced at $199.99, the Lurtz statue is set for release in Q1 2025.
- Pre-orders are available, along with a range of other Lord of the Rings figures.
Iron Studios is returning to Middle Earth with a brand new statue from The Lord of the Rings. A new brutal breed of Orc has been crafted by Saruman, the corrupted wizard. Created to lead the Uruk-hai army, Lurtz is distinguished orc by his impressive size, physical strength, and brutal rage for battle. He was tasked with tracking down the Fellowship and retrieving the One Ring. Unlike the infamous The Lord of the Rings book written by J.R.R. Tolkien, Lurtz was specifically created for Peter Jackson's The Fellowship of the Ring film. Iron Studios has now captured the brutality of Lurtz with their latest Lord of the Ring statue, standing at 8.8" tall. Iron Studios has recaptured the battle against the Fellowship at Amon Hen for this release with impressive detail and a themed base. This orc will serve your army well as it is priced at $199.99, is set for a Q1 2025 release, and pre-orders are already live online. If you need more Lord of the Rings fun, then be sure to check out Iron Studios' other statues with Gandalf and Boromir, as well as minions for Lurtz to lead with Armored, Archer, and Swordsman Orcs.
- Credit: Iron Studios
- Credit: Iron Studios
Lurtz, Uruk-hai Leader – Lord of the Rings
"Created specifically for Peter Jackson's movie "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring", Lurtz was the first of the Uruk-hai, a new breed of Orcs, leader of Saruman's scouts. Seconds after his birth, he choked the first Orc he saw to death, and when the other Orcs advanced against the newborn Uruk-hai, the wizard Saruman interrupted them, intrigued by the violence present in Lurtz, who became the Wizard's second in command and led the first battalion of Uruk-hai in the battle against the Fellowship of the Ring at Amon Hen."
- Credit: Iron Studios
- Credit: Iron StudiosCredit: Iron Studios
- Credit: Iron Studios
- Credit: Iron Studios
- Credit: Iron Studios
- Credit: Iron Studios
"In Jackson's adaptation, Lurtz is responsible for the death of Boromir, hitting the warrior with three arrows, and after his soldiers captured the Hobbits Merry and Pippin, as he slowly approached the injured Boromir for the coup de grâce, Aragorn, who heard the sound of the Horn of Gondor played by Boromir, intervenes and knocks Lurtz to the ground, and after a brutal fight between them, Aragorn manages to sever Lurtz's arm and decapitate him, and Boromir dies shortly afterwards, after speaking with Aragorn."