Posted in: Collectibles, Super7 | Tagged: gi joe, GI Joe ReAction figures, Super7
GI Joe ReAction Figures Are The Sleeper Line You Need To Collect
GI Joe fans were floored when Super7 announced that they had the ability to make figures earlier this year. Ultimates are coming, and they look incredible. But where my mind went instantly was to 3.75-inch ReAction figures. While they wouldn't be o-ring, Super7 would be able to do wonders with a line like this, from figures to smaller vehicles and sets. The first of those sets are available now, and the first waves of GI Joe ReAction figures are hitting stores now. Hasbro sent over a figure for us to take a look at, And I was not prepared for how much I would fall in love with it.
- Joe ReAction Figure
- Joe ReAction Figure
- Joe ReAction Figure
GI Joe ReAction Is The Ultimate Line
I so badly did not want to open this. So much about this packaging was nailed by Super7. From having the figure on the left side of the cardback to the gorgeous new art on the cardback, the front could not be more perfect. Then you flip it over, and you get a file card. MOC collectors dream right here, and all the feels looking at this GI Joe cardback. Great, great stuff.
- Joe ReAction Figure
- Joe ReAction Figure
Then you take the figure out and are blown away. This infantryman has some of the coolest coloring on any ReAction figure to date, and that goes double for the sculpt. 5 POA, of course, but that is all that is needed. ReAction figures to me are all about displays and dioramas, and these will work perfectly for that. That we are getting GI Joe ReAction is perfect really, it is the ultimate line with endless possibilities. I am all in here and cannot wait to see how far they can take these. You can order some for yourself right here.