Posted in: Collectibles, NECA | Tagged: NECA, neca tmnt, tmnt
NECA's Latest Addition To TMNT Movie Line Is Interesting
NECA's TMNT lines continue full steam ahead, but one of them is at a crossroads. The movie line of figures is seemingly coming to a fork in the road. They have now released pretty much every major character from the 1990 film, and are well on their way to the same for Secret of the Ooze. Then what? One thing myself and other collectors agree they shouldn't do are a plethora of repaints and variants. Kinda like what they are doing with Super Shredder. Do they continue with TMNT 3? Nobody wants that, do they? We haven't gotten there yet though, and the newest two pack, the Shadow Warriors pack as they dubbed it, is proof that when NECA is on, they cannot be touched. NECA sent us over the pack to show you, so let's dive into it below.
- SW Two Pack
- SW Two Pack
- SW Two Pack
- SW Two Pack
- SW Two Pack
- SW Two Pack
- SW Two Pack
Another Home Run TMNT Set From NECA
Hamato Yoshi and Oroku Saki are the focus of this new two pack, depicting the brief time we see them in the 1990 film before becoming Splinter and Shredder, respectfully. This falls into the "Did we really need this?" category for me, and I was not very excited about it. In hand though, I started to change my mind. Like all the other releases so far, the pack comes in an awesome box, packed to the gills with accessories. Like, so many accessories. My favorite has to be the rat cage though. That had to be here, and NECA nailed that one. TMNT fans will be super happy to add that to their displays.
- SW Two Pack
- SW Two Pack
- SW Two Pack
- SW Two Pack
- SW Two Pack
- SW Two Pack
- SW Two Pack
- SW Two Pack
- SW Two Pack
- SW Two Pack
Once opened, the figures changed my mind pretty much instantly. These are some of the most articulated TMNT releases form NECA so far, featuring a ton of different options for posing with weapons and included accessories. The figures are the same exact buck, the only difference is the heads. Both provide a ton of balance in posing as well, I was able to get some nice poses pretty effortlessly. Each comes with a removable gi top and interchangeable hands and arms as well. Everything was simple to change and swap as well, as they have put in a good effort to make that whole process easier these last few releases. The heads look amazing, and depending on how big a Shredder fan you are, you can use the two figures to make both versions of Saki. I especially love the head with the slash mark on his cheek.
- SW Two Pack
- SW Two Pack
- SW Two Pack
- SW Two Pack
Not all is perfect here though, as my set had some QC issues. One of the swords broke pretty much instantly, and one of the sleeve arms didn't have a peg hole for a hand to go into. So, I could not make two full gi bodies to take pics with. Annoying, but I love the look the way they are so forgivable. YMMV of course, as I am sure this was just an anomaly.
As for the "Was this necessary?" question, I will say I was happy to add this to my movie shelf. Although its not a long scene, it is an important one in TMNT history and it is kinda cool to have it. Throw in two very well-done figures and that rat cage accessory, and this becomes a welcome addition to the collection. NECA changed my mind, as they often do.
This set can be found at Walmarts right now.