Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, comics industry, Marvel Comics, spider-man, steve ditko
Comics People React to the Death of Steve Ditko
Yesterday, Bleeding Cool was informed that Steve Ditko passed away earlier in the week but that members of his family were not making the news public at the time. Later in the night, the news went public anyway, as The Hollywood Reporter received official confirmation from New York police. And the comics industry went into shock.
The man's earlier works were that of horror, of surreal sci-fi, a number of which can be read here. He brought that element of the strange to the superhero, weakness amongst the hyper-muscles, an uneasiness that appealed as much as it repelled and singlehandedly stopped the superhero being the jocks' club.
He's a man whose politics were hardcore Randian, who walked away from success, who turned down having the Amazing Fantasy #15 art returned to him, which would be worth an eight-figure sum. He didn't say a word during the major film era of his creations, Spider-Man and more recently Doctor Strange, which could have made him wealthy beyond measure and famous to boot. He chose not to be either. He didn't give interviews believing the work should speak for itself. He spent his recent decades still creating comics from his New York Studio, published by his business partner Robin Snyder. And he wished to be remembered more for them than his earlier work.
But it's his work over three years for Spider-Man for which he will be most remembered by comic book fans. As well as his most personal work for Marvel, Doctor Strange, and his Charlton Comics characters picked up by DC Comics. Hell, his '80s creation, Squirrel Girl, has also become a major popular character of late as well.
And while Ditko may never have pursued financial benefits from Marvel or DC Comics that others thought might have been his, it may be different for his family and his estate now that he has passed.
Here is how many in the industry reacted to his passing.
Steve Ditko's Spider-Man was a marvel of clear storytelling and clean rendering!He was bringing Stan full issues of pencils, which Stan ''wrote to." No story conferences:)
— Jerry Ordway (@JerryOrdway) July 7, 2018
RIP to Steve Ditko. His art was sublime.
(Apologized to Dave Gibbons once for stealing his 9 panel grid all the time. Gibbons told me not to worry; he stole it from Ditko. We stand on the shoulders of giants.)
— Tom King (@TomKingTK) July 7, 2018
Keep trying to write a tweet about what Steve Ditko's work has meant to me. But just going to say thank you Mr Ditko for changing my life with your visionary, uncompromising ways. RIP
— Scott Snyder (@Ssnyder1835) July 7, 2018
Only a small group of individuals can claim that they have effected and redefined, not just an industry, but popular culture worldwide. Steve Ditko was one of those few who dared to break molds every time his pencil and pen hit a blank sheet of paper.
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) July 7, 2018
Goodbye Steve Ditko
— Scott Derrickson (@scottderrickson) July 6, 2018
Spider Man. Dr. Strange. Creeper. Hawk and Dove. The Question. Captain Atom. Mysterio. Green Goblin. Dr. Octopus. Dormammu. Baron Mordo. Kraven. Lizard. Nightmare. Electro. STEVE DITKO.
— robertliefeld (@robertliefeld) July 7, 2018
Steve Ditko passed away.
Comics are unimaginable without his influence.He co-created Spider-man, which will be remembered as significant as Doyle creating Sherlock Holmes or Fleming creating James Bond.
Spider-man may outlast them both.— Patch Zircher (@PatrickZircher) July 7, 2018
RIP Steve Ditko, one of my very favorite comic book artists. Thank you. 🙏
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) July 7, 2018
rip steve ditko, thanks for the boy, he's meant a lot to me
— Hannah Blumenreich (@hblumenreich) July 7, 2018
I would've given anything to have lived inside Steve Ditko's head for a day. And he got to do it for 90 years. We were all just lucky to be able to enjoy the fruits of his beautiful weirdness. Thank you for always being you, Mr. Ditko. Rest in peace.
— Jason Aaron (@jasonaaron) July 7, 2018
Rest In Peace, Steve Ditko. You did it. You're free.
— Bill Rosemann (@BillRosemann) July 7, 2018
Steve Ditko: utterly committed to only creating exactly what he wanted to from the first moment he could. RIP
— Charles Soule (@CharlesSoule) July 7, 2018
R.I.P. Steve Ditko
— Alex Ross (@thealexrossart) July 7, 2018
RIP to comic book legend Steve Ditko, beyond influential on countless planes of existence. He never truly profited from his comic creations that have lasted for decades, but his work will never be forgotten.
— edgarwright (@edgarwright) July 7, 2018
Fare thee well, Steve Ditko
— Adam Hughes (@AH_AdamHughes) July 7, 2018
Our thoughts are with the family, friends, and loved ones of the legendary Steve Ditko. Thank you for the endless amazing tales. Steve truly leaves behind a legacy of greatness.
— Midtown Comics (@MidtownComics) July 7, 2018
Here's to Steve Ditko, and the lesson that intractable idiosyncrasies in an artist's work are truer windows into their creative souls than any practiced technique.
— Phillip Hester (@philhester) July 7, 2018
Rest In Peace, Steve. #Ditko
— Funko (@OriginalFunko) July 7, 2018
Drawing a Steve Ditko creation in MM 10 and now those panels can never be good enough.
— Mitch Gerads @SDCC (@MitchGerads) July 7, 2018
RIP Steve Ditko.
— Colleen Doran (@ColleenDoran) July 7, 2018
RIP, Steve Ditko. Thank you for the best character in fiction, the best rogues gallery in comics and the best moment, too.
— nick_lowe_ (@nick_lowe_) July 7, 2018
Steve Ditko.
— Tom Brevoort (@TomBrevoort) July 7, 2018
Possibly my favorite Ditko panel of all time, from STRANGE TALES #115. So much character, so much seediness. Absolutely love it. Rest in peace, Steve Ditko.
— Greg Pak (@gregpak) July 7, 2018
I'm crushed by the passing of Steve Ditko. I wrote to him just a few months ago to express my appreciation of his work and he wrote back just a few days later. It's a treasured possession.
— Brad Brad Walker (@IAmBradWalker) July 7, 2018
My all time favorite Ditko creation! All I can say is thank you!
— Brett Booth (@Demonpuppy) July 7, 2018
Ditko once said that he wanted to be remembered for the work he was doing now, not 50 years ago. So in honour of that, here are the covers from the last three books he published, which all came out this year, the last just in May.
— Ben Rowe (@CineastBenRowe) July 7, 2018
That's why my favorite Ditko stories were the horror and suspense stories. Almost no one drew desperation like he could.
— GAIL SIMONE (@GailSimone) July 7, 2018
R.I.P Steve Ditko
— Kenneth Rocafort (@Mitografia) July 7, 2018
I inked Steve Ditko a long time ago. Rest In Peace.
— Jimmy Palmiotti (@jpalmiotti) July 7, 2018
Just heard Steve Ditko passed away. His creation was my first intro to comics, my first dream job character. I hope to do his creation justice.
— RYAN OTTLEY (@RyanOttley) July 7, 2018
I owe Steve Ditko a huge debt. He helped create a world and filled it with weird, oddball, and very human characters that have been with me my whole life. They helped me learn to read read as a kid, helped me survive as a teen, and I'm honored to still live in their world today.
— Matthew Rosenberg (@AshcanPress) July 7, 2018
Steve Ditko. May he rest in peace.
— Pepe Larraz (@PepeLarraz) July 7, 2018
Sad news. I only met Ditko once, though he drew several of my scripts. A quiet guy, he seemed more distant than intense. Wish he'd found more joy as a creator to equal the joy he gave me as a fan. What an amazing, incomparable talent.
— Gerry Conway (@gerryconway) July 7, 2018
Interviewed before I fell asleep last night. "Neil Gaiman remembers 'Spider-Man' co-creator Steve Ditko, 90 — in person and on the page"
— Neil Gaiman (@neilhimself) July 7, 2018
Some images of my collaboration with Steve Ditko. I inked and scripted this story from Marvel Comics Presents #83. May he rest in peace.
— Erik Larsen (@ErikJLarsen) July 7, 2018
Aw man. RIP Steve Ditko
— Declan Shalvey (@declanshalvey) July 7, 2018
A few years back, I poured over Steve Ditko's work and I was struck by the realization that at the dawn of the Marvel Age Ditko was the finer draftsman and storyteller than Kirby. His broad shoulders carried much of the load while Kirby refined himself into the powerhouse we know
— robertliefeld (@robertliefeld) July 7, 2018
Sorry to hear about the passing of Steve Ditko. I met him once and collaborated with him on one job. He was a big influence. I was a huge fan of his work. He will forever be the definitive artist on Spider-Man and Dr. Strange. A tremendous talent.
— Erik Larsen (@ErikJLarsen) July 7, 2018
Rest in peace, Steve Ditko.
— Doc Shaner (@DocShaner) July 7, 2018
RIP Steve Ditko, dead at 90. Like many who've gone in recent years, he and his work exerted a massive cultural gravity on my life, bending and shaping it in subtle ways. I'm sure a great many others could say the same, whether they know it or not.
— Al Ewing Writes Comics And Tells You About Them (@Al_Ewing) July 7, 2018
An inspiration to so many, including myself. Very sad to hear of Steve Ditko's passing.
— Tony S Daniel (@TonyDanielx2) July 7, 2018
Devastated by the news, this morning, of the loss of Spider-Man and Dr. Strange creator Steve Ditko. Truly, we have lost a legend.
— Forbidden Planet (@ForbiddenPlanet) July 7, 2018
Four of the six best splash pages ever, all from the same comic, and all by the same artist, Steve Ditko.
— Chris Ryall (@chris_ryall) July 7, 2018
RIP Steve Ditko, who just passed at 90. Ditko' Dr Strange was directly responsible for inspiring my hand gesture. Steve also co-created Spider-Man, Blue Beetle, The Question, The Creeper, Captain Atom and many more. He made my childhood magical. We honour you, Steve Ditko.
— Gene Simmons (@genesimmons) July 7, 2018
Boy, did I love Ditko's comics. Boy, did I not like Ditko's politics, philosophy or extremism. At least he wasn't on Youtube spouting the Mr A-hole stuff from under a big sign reading THINK and black and white placards, and — Wait a minute, I'd love to see that! #maybe #maybenot
— Evan Dorkin (@evandorkin) July 7, 2018
Sad to hear of the passing of the legendary artist and creator Steve Ditko. Beloved for generations– his work was the Quirky to Kirby's Majesty and helped provide the early visual vocabulary in counterpoint to Kirby's power and influence. 1/3
— Jim Lee (@JimLee) July 7, 2018
Sharing a beautiful Steve Ditko ink and wash page from Eerie Magazine (1960s) Ditko was a giant, and his work was a big part of my life. #SteveDitko
— Jerry Ordway (@JerryOrdway) July 7, 2018
Rest In Peace, the great Steve Ditko.
Actually stood behind him at Marvel years ago–Had no idea who he was and came pretty close to commenting that the pages he was turning in…— Mike Mignola SDCC 4901 (@artofmmignola) July 7, 2018
Steve Ditko—Spider-Man, Dr. Strange, Hawk and Dove, Mr. A., Deep Ruby—one of the true giants of comic art. Thanks for everything, Steve Ditko.
— Scott Dunbier (@sdunbier) July 7, 2018
Ditko's death is a reminder to go talk to/shake hands/say thanks to as many of your comic book artist/writer/colorist/inker/editor heroes as you can when you go to SDCC (or any con) in a few wks. I've never regretted spending time in artist alley talking to legends when I can.
— Julie Benson (@TheJulieBenson) July 7, 2018
RIP Steve Ditko. You were too weird to live and too rare to die. Thanks for changing comics, & my life.
— Jason Latour (@jasonlatour) July 7, 2018
A little something #frommycollection to remember just how amazing Steve Ditko was.
— David Mandel (@DavidHMandel) July 7, 2018
Steve Ditko has caught the last web out across the city into the mystic. An early influence on my work, I met Steve exactly once many years ago for a few moments in the Marvel offices. Getting to shake his hand was a privilege. Thanks for all the lovely work, Steve. Godspeed.
— Walter Simonson (@WalterSimonson) July 7, 2018
Steve Ditko passed away today at age 90. Without him there's no Spider-Man, no Doctor Strange, no Green Goblin… and no Squirrel Girl.
— Ryan North (@ryanqnorth) July 7, 2018
Last panel of the last page of the last issue of Marvel's @RomSpaceknight. Pencils by Steve Ditko, inks by P. Craig Russell.
— Chris Ryall (@chris_ryall) July 7, 2018
Steve Ditko was one of the first American comics artists I was ever exposed to. His work always challenged me, but in the end was so pure. I snuck a Steve Ditko homage into the first issue of Books of Magic. He's still challenging me. RIP
— tom fowler (@tomfowlerbug) July 7, 2018
Steve Ditko was true to his own ideals. He saw things his own way, and he gave us ways of seeing that were unique. Often copied. Never equalled. I know I'm a different person because he was in the world.
— Neil Gaiman (@neilhimself) July 7, 2018
I've always wondered where the surreal visual language Ditko came up with for Doctor Strange came from. Comics had never seen anything like it and people have been copying it ever since. It's not wonder folks in the 60s thought Stan and Steve were dropping acid!
— J.M. DeMatteis (@JMDeMatteis) July 7, 2018
Goodbye, Steve Ditko, and thanks for everything, you weird legend. What strange and amazing things you achieved.
— Wᴀʀʀᴇɴ Eʟʟɪs (@warrenellis) July 7, 2018
The uncompromising and brilliant Steve Ditko is gone. Here's my favorite image of him: trapped in an ink bottle between his two iconic collaborations.
— Gerry Duggan (@GerryDuggan) July 7, 2018
Spider-Man, Dr. Strange, Squirrel Girl, Mr. A, Speedball, and so many others. RIP Steve Ditko, creator of heroes and infinite wonders.
— Paul_Dini (@Paul_Dini) July 7, 2018
Seems like a good time to share the story of the one time I met Steve Ditko.
— J.M. DeMatteis (@JMDeMatteis) July 6, 2018
Without Steve Ditko there would have been no Spider-Man, no Doctor Strange, no Creeper, no Hawk and Dove, none of the black and white reprint comics I read in seaside resorts as a boy. No The Question (which means no Rorschach). No Mister A. No mystery.
— Neil Gaiman (@neilhimself) July 6, 2018
I am beyond sad. For me, the single greatest comic book artist and creator who ever lived, Steve Ditko, is gone. Thank you for your tireless brilliance and boundless imagination, Steve, you uncompromising genius.
— Jonathan Ross (@wossy) July 6, 2018
ditko would be a legend if all he ever did was that beautiful work at warren —
— Tom Spurgeon (@comicsreporter) July 7, 2018
Thanks, Ditko
— Stephen Wacker (@StephenWacker) July 7, 2018
RIP Steve Ditko. Still processing the news. This one hit me hard. A comics industry legend. Honored to have met and spoken to one of my heroes a bunch of times. Happy to have been influenced by his innovations and imagination. A true artist and auteur.
— Dean Haspiel (@deanhaspiel) July 7, 2018
ditko shared with kirby and krigstein and toth and a few others that hidden hand of tone and style and clarity that just punched through your brain as a young kid, every panel a window into a worldview as formed and grand and sad as yours was new —
— Tom Spurgeon (@comicsreporter) July 7, 2018
RIP Steve Ditko. Think about the design of Spider-Man. Think about how much just that LOOK influenced. Think about how much in mainstream comics that seems familiar is basically Spider-Man done parodied, remixed, and done different. That's Ditko.
— Mike Drucker (@MikeDrucker) July 6, 2018
Thank you Steve Ditko for everything you gave us.
Thank you for giving me the honor of working on Speedball stories with you.
The results of your imagination will live on forever.— Fabian Nicieza (@FabianNicieza) July 6, 2018
Gahhhhh R.I.P. Steve Ditko
— Chris Burnham, Cintiq Hater (@TheBurnham) July 6, 2018
Is it true about Ditko?
It's true.
Damn.— Jaime Hernandez (@xaimeh) July 6, 2018
Steve Ditko, Spider-Man Co-Creator and Legendary Comics Artist, Dies at 90 via @thr
— David F. Walker (@DavidWalker1201) July 6, 2018
Thank you, Steve Ditko. Thank you for creating some of the greatest characters the world has ever seen. Thank you for all you've done to contribute to the comics industry. You will be missed more than you know. <3
— Heather Antos (@HeatherAntos) July 6, 2018
Mr. Ditko, thank you for my favorite character, Spider-Man. So many iconic images from my childhood come from your imagination. I stared at this cover for an eternity. #RIPSteveDitko
— 𝗦𝗘𝗔𝗡𝖪𝖤𝖫𝖫𝖤𝖸𝗠𝗰𝗞𝗘𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥 (@seankmckeever) July 6, 2018
RIP Ditko.
— Jess Nevins (@jessnevins) July 6, 2018
Steve Ditko. RIP. I have way of conveying how much this man's comics meant to me. I work in his shadow.
— Chuck Dixon (@Dixonverse) July 6, 2018
Man. Rest in peace, Mr. Ditko. And thank you.
— Jody Houser ✒️🗯️🎲 (@Jody_Houser) July 6, 2018