Posted in: Comics | Tagged: comicwriterschallenge, ivan reis, paul smith, Rachel Cooke
Ivan Reis, Rachel Cooke, Paul Smith Pieces in #ComicWritersChallenge
Bleeding Cool has run a number of pieces looking at #ComicWritersChallenge items being Twitter-auctioned to raise money for Black Lives Matter-related fundraisers. The concept was for writers to give up comics artwork they had received as part of the career and was very meaningful to them. Making a sacrifice for a cause. Basically wave one, wave two – and my own Neil Gaiman/Bryan Talbot/me cover which is currently sitting at $400. But since then, a much of other amazing historical pieces have dropped. Here is a selection, you can find the whole list right here.
Joe Prado says "I'm auctioning the ORIGINAL INKS over bluelines of SUPERMAN#21 COVER – pencilled by Ivan Reis, and inked by me. We all need to help show that #BlackLivesMatter"
Mark Russell says I am auctioning off this inked splash page from Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles. All proceeds go to #BlackLivesMatter."
Jason Doring "I would like to donate this #Daredevil commission I had drawn by Eisner winner @EricaFails at Boston Comic Con 2013."
Gerry Duggan says I'm auctioning this wonderful @declanshalvey piece to #BLM via the #ComicWritersChallenge. It's a sentimental piece for me, a gift that solidified a friendship that lead to our collaboration on Deadpool: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly. From my wall to the winner with some goodies."
Don Bohm "To help out Black Lives Matter, I'm joining @GailSimone and #ComicWritersChallenge. All proceeds will go to BLM. First up is this beautiful Batman by superstar Paul Smith."
Jordan Davis "to contribute to #ComicWritersChallenge I would like to offer this page from Black Panther #30 by the late Norm Breyfogle for auction. Timely to the moment featuring T'challa stopping a police officer from drawing on protesters."
Jody Houser "Mycomic art collection is small, so I'm offering animation art for #ComicWritersChallenge For bid: An original production drawing of Storm from the opening credits of X-Men: The Animated Series. Reply to this tweet to bid. Winner donates directly to support #BlackLivesMatter"
Nidhi Chanani says "Raising funds for BLM. I buy a copy of my official Disney prints for myself but I'm auctioning it now because THIS is far more important. I will sign, customize (with names in hats) for the highest bidder."
Paul_Cornell "So @GailSimone asked us to auction art for Black Lives Matter. Here's a gorgeous original by @RachaelAtWork"
Joe Glass "Getting in on @GailSimone's #ComicWritersChallenge I am putting this page of art by @ryancody up for auction in aid of Black Lives Matter. It's the only page of The #Pride comic art I own atm, showing the origin of popular character Bear Auction"
Trish Mulvihill "For #ComicWritersChallenge I'm auctioning the complete 22 page set hand-colored guides for WONDER WOMAN #136. John Byrne's last issue on the title."
Eric Palicki "So, this piece means the world to me, but (and I blame @GailSimone) I'm letting it go for the #ComicWritersChallenge@ARIELAkris
's original art (two pieces line art and watercolor) for the cover of ALL WE EVER WANTED, the Ringo-nominated anthology I co-edited.
Randy Stone "I don't normally like people selling sketches, but I will happily donate this @Sean_G_Murphy #Constantine #Hellblazer art for the #ComicWritersChallenge to raise money for #BLM The cause is important and the timing is incredible"
Omar Morales "I'm in! I'll auction off a cherished piece of art: the original cover of #Catwoman 25, personally given to me by Paul Gulacy. He worked on it w/ @jpalmiotti & #EdBrubaker. Disclosure: it's autographed and personalized.
Denton J. Tipton "@gailsimone challenged comics creators to auction a piece of beloved original art to benefit Black Lives Matter, so here's @Juansamuart's powerful cover to MARVEL ACTION: BLACK PANTHER #2."
Weshoyot Alvitre "Putting this piece up for @GailSimone #ComicWritersChallenge. The piece was done to celebrate @POkoumou
after she climbed the #statueofLiberty in 2018. Starting the bid at $3. 100% of proceeds will go to #BlackLivesMatter"
Zack Davisson "I hadn't thought of animation art, but @Jody_Houser led the way, so my contribution to the #ComicWritersChallenge is a Conan the Adventure painted cell and underdrawing. I bought this at the last SDCC I went to, when I was nominated for the Eisner.
Chris Otto "I'm auctioning a one of a kind Otto (me, not really anybody, but I like me) and Gerhard Cerebus sketch. 8.5/12 card stock. I'm throwing in a Cerebus print signed by Dave Sim and Gerhard on 1992. It's a bit wrinkled in spots, but still very cool."
Other Ways To Help
The protests against police brutality now span the entire globe and there are many ways you can get involved. You can go out and peacefully protest if you want. You can also donate to numerous organizations that are doing a lot of good work for the cause. Here is a list of just some of them
- Minnesota Freedom Fund
- George Floyd Memorial Fund
- I Run With Maud
- Black Visions Collective
- Reclaim the Block
- Campaign Zero
- Communities United Against Police Brutality
- Black Lives Matter
- NAACP Legal Defense Fund
- American Civil Liberties Union
Over at AfroTech, there is a great list of five apps that can help you find black businesses to help support in these trying times. The rest of us should be supporting, protecting, and lifting up our black friends, family, colleagues, and total strangers whenever we possibly can.