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Marvels' Top Alien Races And Which Have Jumped To Live Action
Marvel has put together a list of their top 10 alien races and it struck me as interesting how many of them have already made the jump to film / television.
The first one that's recognizable to those who only know Marvel from live-action are the Chitauri. They were the warriors loaned to Loki by Thanos in order to take over the Earth in the Avengers. This is a race that seems to rely on good cell reception as they all just dropped when communication with the mother ship got cut off.
Another one that may not be well known is the Klyntar. These are the alien symbiotes that make up the Venom suit. We got our first live-action version in Spider-Man 3. Sadly the storyline didn't really get any room to breath as it was shoe-horned in with a Sandman story and the wrap up of the Harry Osborn story.
The Kree come in at #2 and though they showed up in Guardians of the Galaxy with Ronan the Acuser, they are probably more known for their time on Marvel's Agents of SHIELD where we got to see two armored Kree fighting last season and they are responsible for not only bringing us the Inhumans but also for bringing back Agent Phil Coulson.
And the #1 race we got to see part of. The Celestials are humongous figures of god-like power and folks are rummaging around inside one of their heads. That's what Knowhere is, the floating head of a dead Celestial. And all the mining that is going on is to strip out parts of the the dead gods body. Kind of creepy when you think of it like that.
As for the remaining races on the list. Bryan Singer has hinted he wants to do something galactic with the X-Men next, which would likely lead to one of two races. The hive-like Brood or if he goes for the Dark Phoenix Saga, then we'll get to meet the Shi'ar.
Keep an eye out in Thor: Ragnarok. If we're ever going to get a Beta Ray Bill sighting or at least Easter Egg, then dropping a Krobinite into the rumored Planet Hulk battle arenas would make a lot of sense.
Since the Badoon seem to be a variation of the races on Barsoom in the John Carter movie, that was produced by Disney which now owns Marvel… that could count.
We haven't seen the Skrulls yet, but that could be because of the rights. They may be part of the Fantastic Four rights that Fox have. Which means everyone's favorite shape-shifting aliens may never be seen as long as Fox keeps screwing up the franchise.
And finally, whether or not we've seen the final race depends on if you buy into the fan theory that all of Stan Lee's cameos tie together because he is a Watcher. There to observe but never interfere. It makes more sense than a unique looking old man keeps popping up all over the place.