Posted in: Comics | Tagged: artist alley, breaking bad, comicon, eric powell, face off, goon, Presidential Monsters, san diego, sdcc, small press
Matt Harding Does Comic Con – The Places To Visit At The Artist Alley And Small Press Booths. Part 3
Matt Harding writes for Bleeding Cool:
Day 3: Saturday Artist Alley and Small Press Reviews
Hallelujah, I made it through the day without my awesome "Wolfman Bill Clinton" action figure being crushed to smithereens in my awkward giant shwag-bag. One of the coolest booths that I found is a toy manufacturer named "Heroes in Action" toys, with their impressive line "Presidential Monsters." I first heard about these toys through a little television show called "Comic Book Men" on AMC, where one of the designers showed up to sell some of the toy line to the guys behind the desk. Little did I know that they would be at the con, selling their toys, and to my surprise, the toys that they had were even better than the ones they were showing off on the show. I, being the democrat that I am, had to get me a wolfman version of Bill Clinton- complete with a torn up blue suit and saxophone. Along with Wolf Bill there's the Lincolnstein, Baracula, the Ronmy, the Phantom of the White House (JFK), the Monster of the Watergate Lagoon, Zom-Bush, and the Spirit of 76. The men behind the madness of this company are Jason Edmiston, J. Anthony Kosar (a contestant from the show Face Off) and Ken Kelly. Check out their toys at booth 3948 (the Heroes in Action Toys booth) or online at Toys coming soon is the Van Palin, and the Romney the Robot, amongst others.
Justin Christopher Orr is a hardworking cartoonist from the bay area whose work I buy at almost every convention that I go to. His prints are a steal for the price that he's selling them for, and they're going so fast that he might not even have anything to take back home with him. His volume #1 art book "Contents Under Pressure" is a hardcover collection of his artwork and is going for only ten dollars. Full of concept designs, fan art, comics and all in full color, this book is a treat to own. I know because I now own it. His large scale prints of fan art for shows like Breaking Bad are the best though, with collages that show many favorite scenes from the show, and feature every character that he can fit in there. You can check out Justin's work at his booth 09 under Jusscope Press.
Eric Powell, whose work you've probably all already heard of, a little book called "The Goon" has unleashed a brand new sketch book for us all to buy and own, and I'm loving it. Earlier in the convention, the Goon movie made some news when they showed off their new footage of the hopefully-upcoming fully 3D animated movie. Stop by Powell's booth and pick up some of his work if you aren't already familiar at 2209, ranging from his all ages book, to the complete collection of his Goon work. Also, prints, stickers, and all kinds of cool stuff.