Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: 3d, battle of the atom, Comics, covers, dc, frank cho, marvel, stuart immonen, villains month, x-men
Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes – Stuart Immonen Helps Out Frank Cho On Battle Of The Atom, And The First Week Of Villain's Month
Here are a few creative changes to comic book already solicited…
Rather than the full art for X-Men: Battle Of The Atom #1 being by Frank Cho as solicited, Stuart Immonen and Wade Von Grawbadger have drawn the final four pages. This may be why.
The artist credits have changed on Darkseid #1 from Paulo Siqueira just to add Netho Diaz as well.
The artist credits on Deadshot #1 have replaced Pasqual Ferry with Sami Basri, Keith Champagne, Carmen Carnero and Bit.
The credits on Creeper #1 have added to writer Ann Nocenti's credit, giving us "story by Dan DiDio". The artist ChrisCross has had two pencillers added, Fabrizio Fiorentino and Tom Derenick and three inkers, Wayne Faucher, Andy Owens and Tom Derenick.
Grodd #1 has added Tom Nyguyen as inker instead of Chris Batista as sole artist. Ventriloquist #1 has added Karl Kesel as inker instead of Derlis Santacruz as sole artist.
The artist on Judge Dredd #13 will be John Stanisci, not Nelson Daniel.
The penciller credits on A Plus X #12 will now by Angel Unzueta and David Williams rather than Mike Deodato.
Iron Man #16 will have breakdowns by Carlo Pagulayan, and interior finishes by Scott Hanna rather than Pagulayan as penciler.
Scarlet Spider #22 and #23 is plotted by Chris Yost with script by Erik Burnham rather than Yost as sole writer. #22 will now have art by David Baldeon, Pat Olliffe and Tim Green, instead of Carlo Barberi, while #23 and #24 have art by David Baldeon, not Carlo Barberi.