Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: A+X, Alex + Ada, amazing x-men, BLACKOUT, bloodhound, bravest warriors, Brilliant, captain midnight, Comics, deadpool, elfquest, empowered, fatale, furious, game of thrones, ghostbusters, gi joe, godzilla, Hacktivist, hawkeye, iron patriot, justice league dark, King Conan, mass effect, massive, Midas Flesh, mind mgmt, origin II, pariah, real heroes, red sonja, revenge, revolutionary war, satellite sam, serenity, sex, silver surfer, Star Wars Legends, superior spider-man team up, superman, Survive, Tomb raider, transformers, vandroid
Forty-Three Thoughts About Forty-Three Comics – Superior Spider-Man Team Up, Revolutionary War, A+X, Justice League Dark, Superman, Sex, Satellite Sam, Alex + Ada, Revenge, Real Heroes, Fatale, Amazing X-Men, Origin II, Silver Surfer, Deadpool, Iron Patriot, Brilliant, Hawkeye, Survive, Game Of Thrones, Red Sonja, GI Joe, Ghostbusters, Godzilla, Transformers, Furious, Massive, Bloodhound, Tomb Raider, King Conan, Serenity, Vandroid, Pariah, Elfquest, Mind MGMT, Captain Midnight, Mass Effect, Empowered, Star Wars Legends, Blackout, Bravest Warriors, Midas Flesh And Hacktivist
Before reading Superior Spider-Man today, you might want to read Superior Spider-Man Team-Up. Just to keep things in order. It would be a weirder read otherwise. Oh and doesn't artist Ron Frenz do a great job of replicating an eighties Spectacular Spider-Man?
Also the Revolutionary War Omega also takes place before Superior Spider-Man. And gives him a really cool line.
A+X #18 has that awkward job of commissioning a new story from a new creative team after the cover has already been done for a previously dropped story. But we also get this A Vs. X moment played out beautifully at its end…
Sadly this isn't the Hellblazer John Constantine speaking to her. Damn, I thought we were going to have a Pre 52/NEw 52 confrontation in Justice League Dark…
You know who you don't challenge over their sanity? Someone with a gun to your head. Especially when it's Amanda Waller with a gun to your head and she hasn't had her morning hot pocket yet.
A new power to add to the list? "Super belief?" Yes, okay, I'm down with that. He is after all a Sun God.
What do dreams look like in the crime fantasy noir world of Fatale? Like the opposite of everything else in Fatale. This must have hurt…
The first feelings of Alex + Ada… and we all know what comes after chocolate, right?
That's right, and so does Sex, discovering it's drive once again.
Real Heroes gives us the superhero Galaxy Quest… but with actors discovering the characters they play are real – or were – it's also rather like Mark Millar's 1985. Say, this couldn;t be a first step into the interconnected worlds of Millarworld, could it?
And with this hallucination, Jonathan Ross and Ian Churchill show us why Revenge couldn't be a Marvel comic book. That and the topless woman with the strap on on page one as well, of course.
Sorry Satellite Sam, you have reckoned without Real Lives Of The Elephant Dung Carriers, coming to CBS this fall.
Amazing X-Men continues to break comics. Because this is the new reality. Someone dies, you go to heaven and/or hell and drag them back. Healing factor or no healing factor.
Except of course if they want to stay there. Wolverine is a repeat suicide attempter, according to Origin II.
While Silver Surfer #1 gives us one of my favourite cosmic comics moments to date, courtesy of Mike Allred's pen, we go from the micro to the macro. And Albert Einstein's fish does point out that size doesn't matter… until it suddenly does.
As Deadpool recreates a non-existent issue from the past… and the reason why it is non existent.
Iron Patriot… or Roomba? Hell, why aren't there Stark Roombas in every home? That repulsor ray technology would come in very handy for stubborn stains.
Brilliant #5 finally arrives (with the collection due in two weeks) after, well, a nice long rest. It is over two years late, folks. And with the media watching too. I bet I'm in there somewhere…
Hawkeye keeps an eye out for folk heading to the West Coast. Such as Marvel's Steve Wacker. I'm sure he'll enjoy this issue of the comic he used to edit…
In the Ultimate Universe, it seems that Obama has more to worry about than getting Obamacare through. Though while I expect the mutant website will keep crashing, but it will Survive…
GI Joe: A Real American Hero #200 gives us an all-American drug experience of over-the-counter medical assistance. Who needs Obamacare when you have such soldiers willing to do their duty. A big shame they're fictional. So any other self-medication available?
Elfquest #2 prefers MDMA it seems. I must admit in my younger years there were one or two nights when I slashed my way towards the dawn on ecstasy as well.
And if you're on MGMT instead, you may just find yourself seeing little fairies and mermaids all around.
Hey, Vandroid #2, what can I say, it hits the spot. And it doesn't smell so bad when you vomit it all up again. Just as long as you also don't mind ending up homeless in a dumpster. Still even that isn't too bad, when you go to space.
Pariah #2 is more like the blue collar version of Gravity. Less about the special effects, more about actually dealing with all that crap spinning around the earth. Which, at the end of Gravity, there's just more of than there was before. Who's going to clean up all of George Clooney and Sandra Bullock's mess, eh? Eh? These folk.
Godzilla Reign Of Evil #10 sets the bar pretty high when it comes to interpersonal relationships. Is this the new "fetch me a dragon's tooth"?
We may never get a sequel to Ghostbusters – certainly not one with Bill Murray in it. But Ghostbusters #14 at least lets us hear his voice, trapped on the winds of time, echoeing from the past…
Transformers: Dark Cybertron Finale has a refreshingly frank and open attitude to mass robotic genocide. Introducing the Garth Ennis of massive space robots…
Game Of Thrones #19 starts us off where we mean to continue, with male genital mutilation, nice and early on a Wednesday.
And, from the same publisher Legends Of Red Sonja #5 gives us someone who appears quite willing to do the same to the reader. If the reader has such apparatus on their person, that is
Furious #3 shows us the importance of looking up when on the top of a skyscraper, despite all intuition asking what the point is.
There you are children. And now you know not to life, courtesy of Massive #21. Because it can lead to the end of the world as we know it. Sweet dreams. Don't let the frost bite.
No, he's Bloodhound. You're thinking of a guy from Harry Potter. Although, you know, he was a bit of a hound too.
I think "Jonah's trailer" is what they call the CBR boat docked next to San Diego Comic Con, isn't that right Tomb Raider #2?
I'm sorry, King Conan #2, but I can't see Conan on a sailing boat, no matter how detailed the description, without thinking of Groo The Wanderer and the fate of any boat he rides on. The parody has destroyed the original
Don;t you hate it when artists just don't leave backgrounds in comics? It's so lazy, I blame the nineties it's just… oh wait? Deliberate? Dream/hallucination sequence? From Serenity: Leaves Of The Wind #3? Sorry, sorry, as you were.
Captain Midnight #9 from Dark Horse Comics seems to threaten Nazis with comics from another publisher. They're not that bad are they?
No, do you see? They're perfectly fine. Especially Bravest Warriors #18, taking the battle to the changing rooms.
Now that's a weird insult in Mass Effect #9. Because most of us breed when I shoot.
Brandon Graham draws one of my favourite comic books, Empowered, and manages to make it look even more sexist than usual, even if the content as always belies that. But I did want to point out the constantly crying Superman. That should be a meme…
You're never alone with a Strand, Blackout #1. Or maybe he's got a tapeworm. Or a vestigial twin. Either way, it's good to know you're not solo. Talking of which…
Don't let Star Wars Legends #13 worry you, we know she's going to shoot first.
You know all those horror stories of people hiding under Islamic clothing to avoid detective, used by tabloids to whip up suspicion and fear? Well even they have never, unlike Midas Flesh, suggested that there might be dinosaurs under there.
Hacktivist #3 gives us some speech balloons to get our heads around. I like this one.
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London, with a massive Transformers #100 signing this Saturday…