Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: clone, Comics, daredevil, dc comics, deadpool, entertainment, future's end, george perez, green lantern, hulk, image comics, Marvel Comics, oddly normal, original sin, Red Hood And The Outlaws, sirens, trees, uncanny x-men, wicked and the divine
Talking Comics – Discussing This Week's Upcoming Titles From Futures End To Multiversity, Edge Of Spider-Verse, The Wicked + The Divine And Trees
By Randy Young and Chris Hunter
Bleeding Cool welcomes the return of Talking Comics, from Excalibur Comics, Cards, and Games in Shreveport, Louisiana, to discuss this week's upcoming books, speculating about where they are headed, and discuss their favorite storylines.
Hosts Randy Young and Chris Hunter say:
Thanks for pressing play!
It's another great week of awesome comics hitting the shelf startig with a loft of interesting titles from DC Comics with all of their Futures End issues that hit this week!
Lots of things are changing with the DCU and these are the issues that you need to get to stay on top of the waves of change!
Fan-favorite and legendary artists George Perez brings us his personal creation of Sirens this week, which is hugely inspired by his love of cosplay! Mixing sci-fi action adventure with cosplay like only George can do, this should be a fun miniseries!
Gwen Stacy is Spider-Woman this week in the Spider-Verse! In her reality, she got bit by the radioactive spider, not Peter Parker! And she has an awesome looking costume!
Tons of our favorites are shipping this week and we hope that this week is as great as last week!
Be sure to answer the Question of the Week! We're looking for your idea of the best mashup. Tell us below!
Time stamps for this episode:
04:40 Batman and Robin: Futures End #1
04:51 Batman/Superman: Futures End #1
05:00 Batwoman: Futures End #1
05:19 Green Lantern New Guardians: Futures End #1
05:40 Justice League: Futures End #1
05:58 Red Hood and The Outlaws: Futures End #1
06:09 Supergirl: Futures End #1
06:20 Superman/Wonder Woman: Futures End #1
06:35 Wonder Woman: Futures End #1
06:54 Teen Titans: Futures End #1
07:07 Trinity of Sin: Pandora: Futures End #1
07:57 Multiversity: The Society Of Super-Heroes Conquerors Of The Counter-World #1
09:25 Edge of Spider-Verse #2
10:03 Superior Spider-Man #33
10:42 Original Sin #5.5
11:07 Avengers #35
11:48 Uncanny Avengers #24
16:00 George Perez Sirens #1
17:08 Deadpool Bi-Annual #1
18:15 Oddly Normal #1
25:38 The Wicked and The Divine #4
26:29 Clone #20
27:17 Trees #5
27:48 Hulk #6
29:10 Uncanny X-Men #26
29:54 Daredevil #8
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