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The Walking Dead Season 8, Episode 2 Recap: "Fake It Till You Make It, Baby"
Welcome to Bleeding Cool's weekly recap of AMC's The Walking Dead Season 8, charging on from a powerful season opener into Episode 2, 'The Damned.'
Let me just say this: executive producers Scott M. Gimple (also showrunner) and Greg Nicotero weren't lying when they said viewers were going to have to brace themselves for nonstop action and tension beginning with this episode. There is a lot to cover in this week's recap because a ton of stuff happened; including a ghost from Rick's (Andrew Lincoln) past in the form of a now-Savior Morales (Juan Pareja), from the beginning of the series.
So my overview/recap of the episode is waiting patiently for your eyeballs below, along with some 'Spare Parts' that I picked up along the way that I thought you might find interesting. You can also check out the transcript of my live-blog of the episode here or by clicking the link after the video.
But one quick thing before we get our recap under way…
Just to be clear, this is not a "formal review" — more of a recap/review/stream of consciousness mash-up "monster" all its own — but I will be covering some themes and takeaways involving major and minor plot points from the episode. Just something to keep in mind before watching or re-watching the episode. Definitely not looking to have angry fellow geeks outside my apartment with pitchforks and torches because I slacked off on the spoiler warnings.
You can take a look back at last Sunday's live blog of 'The Damned' by clicking here.
Here's a look at The Walking Dead S08E03, "Monsters;" as well as a look at the season ahead:
The Walking Dead Season 8: Rick's Past Comes Back To Haunt Him
The Walking Dead S08E01 Recap: 'You're Gonna' Make Me Count?'
All Out 'Dead': Welcome To Bleeding Cool's The Walking Dead Live-Blog!
The Walking Dead Opens As Top-Rated Cable Show For Sixth Year
The Walking Dead Season 8 Ratings: A Mix Of Good, Bad & Unknown
53 Shots And Video Of The Walking Dead Zombie March Through Old London Town…
The Walking Dead Season 8: 100 Episodes, 10 Random Facts
The Walking Dead Season 8: Your Visual Guide To 'All Out War'
The Walking Dead Season 8: Bleeding Cool's Road Map To 'All Out War'