Posted in: Comics | Tagged: apocalypse, avengers, axis, Comics, entertainment, marvel, Marvel Comics, rick remender, x-men
TOLDJA: Marvel's Axis Sees The Goodies Becoming The Baddies And The Baddies Becoming The Goodies. Ish.
Bleeding Cool has been reporting for some time that the upcoming Axis event by Rick Remender (now renamed Avengers and X-Men: Axis, just in case you weren't getting it) would see a shift on the moral axis of the Marvel Universe.
It seems that the concept of Axis, reflecting (pun intended) the mirror image look on the covers, will see the Red Skull basically flip the traits of the heroes and villains…. so bad guys become good guys, and good guys become bad. They spin on their axis, hence the title.
And so it has come to pass. CBR reports ex-Bleeding Cool writer and now Marvel PR guy, Chris D'Lando leading the call,
Marvel PR guru Chris D'Lando kicked off the call with a quick explanation of "AXIS" and the "recalibration of the Marvel Universe's moral compass" in "Inversion," which features Marvel heroes and villains having their roles inverted.
We do have the Unworthy Thor and the Superior Iron Man… although it may not be quite as cut and dry as we supposed it to be.
The "Inversion" aspect had Remender twisting alignments around, but it's not as cut and dry as you'd think. "Loki, who is somewhat of a center point, it twists certain aspects of his character," he said — noting that it was more about specific alignments that are inverted rather than "good guy becomes bad guy," and there are many character-defining moments. "Inverting the characters shows you the antithesis of what they normally are, which shines a light on their character," he said.
And the return of Apocalypse as part of Axis, only makes this morning's speculation about Cyclops… slightly less mindless, don't you think?
The Inversion gave Remender the chance to explore Cyclops and his point of view, and it's a "very big part" of what happens in "AXIS" #4, and pays off in "AXIS" #7. "You'll see a reshuffling of the X-Universe that takes place in 'AXIS,'" said Remender. "It even builds into the future books that are coming out of the office. … What the X-Men do in this event isn't something the world can forget any time soon. How they have to deal with things starting with Red Onslaught and how they deal with what the Red Skull was doing." The "endless attempt of the universe to crush [the X-Men] into the mud" will unearth how Remender sees the current incarnation of Scott.
Also, some readers seem to think this comic is called FIXIS or SIXIS… I can understand where they are coming from…