Posted in: Comics, Image | Tagged: chip zdarsky, Donny Cates, image comics, kids love chains, Ryan Stegman, substack
Tyrell Cannon To Draw Ryan Stegman's New Substack/Image Comics
On the Kids Love Chains Substack YouTube streaming video featured Ryan Stegman, Ethan S Parker and Griffin Sheridan, they teased more information about the two new comic books that will be launching in Stegman and Donny Cates' Kids Love Chains Substack Year Two. We knew that one was by Stegman and the other by Parker and Sheridan. But what details could we get?
Ryan Stegman stated that he was writing his new book, set in its own universe, and that artist Tyrell Cannon might be drawing it. In the YouTube chat, I asked if this could be considered a confirmation. Ryan Stegman said "go ahead Rich". So I am. Ryan Stegman confirmed Cannon, and also said that he was already finishing the second issue. No name or concept revealed yet, just that a) it's spandex and b) more metal than King In Black. "It's got superheroes, some Mark Millar type story in it, it's a dark comedy" and compared it to the US sports sitcom Eastbound & Down. All we know about Ethan and Griffin's is that it's a horror fantasy, described as "sad people in action." No spandex though, pitched as Hereditary meets… something.
Tyrell Cannon is a comic book writer/artist known for comics and covers such as Victus, Gary, Simon, Upgrade Soul, The Ghost Fleet and more, and is also the co-editor of the science fiction romance comics anthology Speculative Relationships.
Oh bloody hell, Chip Zdarsky just showed up.
"I don't hate anyone, I am a man of God, I love all of God's creatures, American, Canadian or Bri'ish, whether esteemed journalists or muckrakers. So, no, I don't hate you. Jesus." He did confirm that he is not going to cover his comic books in acetate though. Here's what we ran about the Kids Love Chains Substack Year Two. And apparently, for all those who paid $300 to be a GOAT for Year One, you will still be getting the stuff that was promised… honest. Even if you no longer subscribe. But, with the current schedule, you can see why KLC Press decided to drop the GOAT level for Year Two…
It's time for the big beasts of Substack comes to lay out their plans for Year Two – and try and get as many of those subscribers to stick around now that they will be relying on 90% of the subscriptions to pay the bills, rather than the big six-figure advances. While James Tynion IV is promising frozen prices to those who stay, and Skottie Young is losing paid subscriptions all together, Donny Cates & Ryan Stegman are discounting for KLC Press.
They promise two new unannounced comic books to come on Kids Love Chains. "Somehow Ryan has found the time to create a whole-ass OTHER COMIC while he's been cranking away at the beautiful artwork on VANISH, and we here in the know at KLC Press are absolutely BUZZING about it. Ryan has really been cooking up something special, and you're gonna hear about it first here on the KLC Press Substack. Ryan will be not only dropping reveal bombs left and right as the months go along, but he'll also be revealing his process as a writer. Our second mystery series has been long-awaited, and we'll be revealing the details very soon. As is the KLC way, you'll be getting the inside scoop on its creation process. What sets this one apart, however, is the creative team. Let's just say Ethan and Griffin, a.k.a. The Supple Boiz, have been toiling away with a wonderful artist to bring you the coolest shit you've ever seen."
That would be comic book podcasters Griffin Sheridan and Ethan Smith. They also promise a live stream to break this all down in a couple of days. [UPDATE: it's happening right now.]
Talking of which, they are to stream Ryan Stegman and friend exclusively on the Substack, as well as Supple Boiz and a new podcast from a "very special comics creator that we all know and love". Start speculating it is Todd McFarlane right now. And keep the community streams going, with Stegman sketch prizes. But the bigger news is probably the change in prices, with monthly and yearly prices and removing the premium level all together.
Previously KLC Press cost $8 a month or $80 a year, now it will be $5 a month or $55 a year. And no $300 GOAT level at all.
This will also include digital editions of Vanish #1-6 as they are published. But they are not sending out physical products for Year Two – hence dropping the $300 premium GOAT level. I understand that there are some disappointed people who did not get the products that were promised, and it causes a lot of headaches. Keeping things digital will be easier.
And the free subs level for much of the content will still continue as well. So… will you re-up?