Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: Go Battle League, Niantic, Niantic Labs, pokemon, pokemon go
All Three Leagues Now Open In Pokémon GO Battle League Season 4
The Halloween Cup is over in Pokémon GO and details of GO Battle League Season 5 have been announced, but Season 4 isn't finished yet. The final leg of this current season of PVP in Pokémon GO went live at the close of the Halloween 2020 Event last night, bringing all three leagues of the GO Battle League back. Great League, Ultra League, and Master League will be available for the week, giving players one last shot to rank up during this season.
With the various leagues of GO Battle League now open, here are the top species and moves for each arena in Pokémon GO.
Great League, CP limit of 1500 in Pokémon GO:
- Azumarill: Bubble, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump
- Galarian Stunfisk: Mud Shot, Rock Slide, Earthquake
- Shadow Machamp: Counter, Cross Chop, Rock Slide
- Shadow Abomasnow: Powder Snow, Weather Ball Ice-type, Energy Ball
- Deoxys Defense Forme: Counter, Rock Slide, Thunderbold
Ultra League, CP limit of 2500 in Pokémon GO:
- Cresselia: Psycho Cut, Future Sight, Moonblast
- Giratina Altered Forme: Shadow Claw, Dragon Claw, Shadow Sneak
- Swampert: Mud Shot, Hydro Cannon, Earthquake
- Shadow Swampert: Mud Shot, Hydro Cannon, Earthquake
- Registeel: Lock On, Focus Blast, Flash Cannon
Master League, no CP limit in Pokémon GO:
- Groudon: Mud Shot, Earthquake, Fire Punch
- Melmetal: Thunder Shock, Superpower, Rock Slide
- Mewtwo: Psycho Cut, Psystrike, Focus Blast
- Shadow Snorlax: Lick, Body Slam, Superpower
- Giratina Origin Forme: Shadow Claw, Shadow Ball, Ominous Wind
Master League Premier Cup, no CP limit in Pokémon GO, no Mythicals or Legendaries permitted:
- Metagross: Bullet Punch, Meteor Mash, Earthquake
- Dragonite: Dragon Breath, Dragon Claw, Hurricane
- Shadow Gyarados: Dragon Breath, Aqua Tail, Crunch
- Shadow Snorlax: Lick, Body Slam, Superpower
- Garchomp: Mud Shot, Sand Tomb, Outrage
As expected, the Costumed Pokémon have been removed from the encounter pool following the end of the Halloween Cup.