Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: mega houndoom, Niantic, pokemon, pokemon go, regirock
Complete Lunar New Year 2022 Raid Rotation In Pokémon GO
The Lunar New Year 2022 event has brought a new raid rotation into Pokémon GO. This time around, Tier One features not one but two new Shiny Pokémon. Let's get into the details to determine which species are worth raiding and which should be avoided.
Tier One
- Darumaka – Shiny available with the standard rate
- Espurr – Shiny available, rate unknown but very likely boosted
- Litleo – Shiny available, rate unknown but very likely standard
- Magikarp – Shiny available with the standard rate
- Shinx – Shiny available with a boosted rate
Do my eyes deceive me? Do we have… an absolutely stellar Tier One?
Espurr is the star here, as it is the newly released Shiny in Pokémon GO as a feature in the weekly Research Breakthrough. It is a raid (and, well, breakthrough)-only species that is likely to get the raid/egg-only rate of approximately one in 60.
Outside of Espurr, these are all Shiny-capable. I would wait before raiding the other new Shiny, Litleo, as it will be both in the wild and the subject of tonight's Spotlight Hour.
Tier Three
- Absol – Shiny available with a boosted rate
- Charizard – Shiny available with the standard rate for Mega-capable Pokémon of approximately one in 60
- Delcatty
- Druddigon – Shiny available with a boosted rate
- Flareon
- Shuckle – Shiny available with the standard rate
Another terrific tier. Druddigon continues to feature, and there are many boosted Shinies here. I'm sadly probably going to go after the unboosted Shuckle if it isn't in the wild as it's just so rarely featured.
Tier Five
- Regirock – Shiny available with the standard Legendary rate of approximately one in 20
Mega Raids
- Mega Houndoom – Shiny available with the standard rate for Mega-capable Pokémon of approximately one in 60
Regirock replaces Regice, Mega Houndoom replaces Aerodactyl. There will be no new releases in Mega Raids in Pokémon GO for the month of February 2022, with Mega Ampharos set to take over the tier halfway through the month.